The chick flick for men...

Kristen Wiig - Annie Walker
Maya Rudolph - Lillian Donovan
Rose Byrne - Helen Harris
Ellie Kemper - Becca
Melissa McCarthy - Megan
Wendi McLendon-Covey - Rita
Jill Clayburgh - Annie's mother
Kali Hawk - Kahlua
Chris O'Dowd - Officer Nathan Rhodes
Rebel Wilson - Brynn
Matt Lucas - Gil
If a comedy can keep me laughing consistently throughout the running time of the film, then this movie has done its job. With Bridesmaids, the new comedy starring Kristen Wiig and Directed by Paul Feig, the film goes above and beyond the call of duty to deliver tear inducing laughter.
The film rests on Kristen Wiigs performance, but the supporting cast is impressive in their talents as well. Even Rose Byrne, who’s mostly done dramatic work I.E. Sunshine and the FX series Damages, manages to deliver laughs by playing the bitch. Out of the supporting cast though it’s Melissa McCarthy who steals the show with nearly every line of dialogue she delivers.
The storyline of the movie centers on Annie’s (Wiig) best friend Lillian’s (Maya Rudolph) wedding and her responsibilities as maid of honor. The movie isn’t afraid to be low brow when it needs to be and it benefits from it. There’s a sequence involving food poisoning that is both hysterical and disgusting.
This is a movie that guys wouldn’t be ashamed to admit they like while girls will most definitely love it. If men want to take their girlfriends on a date night movie and not groan or roll their eyes at another stupid romantic comedy, this is the movie to take them to. There are a few elements of a romantic comedy but ultimately it is a hardcore consistently funny comedy.

The funniest thing about the movie is the fact that you can’t imagine everything being scripted. It doesn’t take anything away from the movie, but when watching Bridesmaids there is no way everything was written down.
SUMMARY: The movie has a very natural flow to it where you can watch it and enjoy it without feeling like it is dragging on. Bridesmaids is a movie that can be viewed multiple times and never get old. With a movie produced by Judd Apatow, what else would you think it was going to be?
Written By: Ariel Schmiedhauser