Monday, May 16, 2011

A piece of John Krasinski ass

I recently saw 'Something Borrowed' at the cinema (twice...) and it has become clear to me now that I am in love with John Krasinski. JK has catapulted into a full-blown obsession of mine in record time. I bought The Office (US) season 1 on Sunday and promptly went out and bought a boxset of seasons 1-5 yesterday, leaving me with two season 1s. D'oh.

Anyhoo, I know he is already married. And that's fine. But only because it's Emily Blunt, who I also love and adore. But it won't kill me to dream and get my quiver on.

Now, I'm not gonna lie. For a while I actually thought the divine Emily was batting below her league (I DIDN'T KNOW ANY BETTER) but really, she's traded way, way up (remember douchelord Buble?) and they look very happy together. And Johnny looks like the perfect hubby. I'm not sure exactly what it is about him that's so gosh darn appealing.

I mean, obviously, he's very very funny and that's the #1 attribute I seek in a partner (to match my own biting wit har har). But he's so much more than that. He wears a suit very well. Indeed, he's the perfect nerd in that he's a nerd who's not socially inept and can dress well. IT'S THE DREAM! He's got the height and slim hips a shirt aches for. He's just...everything. I love him. In a parallel universe where was no EmilyWife, I would covet him as my own...

And with the wife...

How can I deny them their couple-dom?! They're perfect! And perfectly matched too, take a gander at these interviews (be warned: productivity for the day may or may not wane dramatically).

And John with George Clooney. I mean...yes.