Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Julie Lessman, You Now Have A Fan Club!

A while ago, I mentioned I was reading a series of books by Julie Lessman. So, after I finished them I told my cousin in-law and got her hooked! Recently, I was talking to my First Lady (the Pastor's Wife) and telling her about this book...she ordered it for her Kindle, and can you say the rest is history? Right now there are 4 of us reading/re-reading and loving the book. I can not say it enough: JULIE LESSMAN, YOU ARE A GODSEND IN THE LITERARY FIELD! I loved that I can read a book that is so real and also strengthens my walk in Christ. If my First Lady loves it, then you know you are anointed! LOL. If you haven't read her books, you should! Be blessed.