Sunday, May 15, 2011


Chris Hemsworth - Thor
Natalie Portman - Jane Foster
Tom Hiddleston - Loki
Anthony Hopkins - Odin
Stellan Skarsgård - Erik Selvig
Kat Dennings - Darcy Lewis
Clark Gregg - Agent Coulson
Colm Feore - King Laufey
Ray Stevenson - Volstagg

Chris Hemsworth takes on the role of Thor, the God of Thunder, and I must say he owned the character. Tom Hiddlestom also did a great job bringing the believability of Loki to the big screen. Personally, I don't know a whole lot about Thor to begin with to be perfectly honest. But I do know the basics behind it to know what to expect.

To those who are not familiar with Thor this movie does a pretty good job of telling his story. He is the son of Odin, ruler of Asgard, he is a proud, mighty warrior, and a stuck up arrogant brat. You can't help but like how much of a badass he thinks he is and watching him back it up puts to rest any doubts.

Thor is next in line to the thrown when an enemy, the Ice Giants, sneak in to the kingdom and cause a mess of things. Thor won't leave it be and attacks the Ice Giants head on. This causes the start of a new war and his father is not pleased. He is so pissed off that he casts out his own son and strips him of his power. He would regain his power only if he learns to be humble on earth.

Long story short, Loki (Thor's brother), is now king and turns things to the worst and its up to Thor to bitch slap him and straighten things out once again.

The story I'm familiar with is that they are in fact gods, but in the movie they are only an alien race from a different galaxy. Apparently, that is the original concept from the original comic. also, I understand that it's a movie and they only have so little time to try to show how Thor grows as a character, but for me i just didn't feel it realistic enough. it looked like such a short amount of time for such a huge change near the end of the film. oh and at times if you pay attention his cape looks like something you could find in party city.

SUMMARY: I'm gonna have to give it an 8/10. Badass effects, great acting in the 2 main roles, and just a plain good time. Plus it sets up the coming Captain America movie.

Written By: Stalin Lopez