Saturday, August 21, 2010


It has been too long, I know. I was really thinking lately about going forward as a blogger in a sea of bloggers that all want to be a celeb or something..... I came at a conclusion recently: I will continue. I am at a point in my life where I rather share it so others can relate to it and know that they are not alone in their walk.

I have had the pleasure of fellowshipping with NYU's Set Apart Ministry for the past 3 months and have to say that I've been blessed. I'm so sad that it has come to an end, but I have been blessed with wonderful and crazy friends.

Update: I am still sticking to my single for 1 year decision; believe me it has NOT been easy. The fun part is telling people that you actually want to be single and watch their reaction, lol. There are days when I miss being in a relationship but I rather enjoy my season of singleness now so I can appreciate my next season when it comes.

P.S.- Scott Pilgrim .vs. the World is an awesome movie! I am so getting the DVD when it comes out!