Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ramadhan Family Gathering PART 1

Sabtu lalu keluarga besar bikin acara gathering, and this is our first ramadhan gathering di bulan puasa ini, acaranya biasa..buka puasa bareng anak yatim, solat tarawih bareng, trus kumpul2..
I love family gathering, it gave me a warm feeling..a kind of feeling than makes me feel save..
and this is just the beginning, part 2 will be held at rumah Kemang, Tante Ade and Oom Bill's crib..can't wait
i had not too much time to take a picture, so all i can upload are this crap..enjoy!

sort of the girls..

Terselubung depan toilet!

MAYDAY..Anggie's hair =(

This is Shinta Angelica AKA Anggie my cousin..err, actually her father is my cousin..but.errgg..yeah, considered she's my cousin..said so!
dia tetep pose -_- yang belakang kok Adul smile gitu sih..wew!

The snack..see the green things..that's Pisang Ijo, makanan wajib..cause we are mostly Mandar family from Sulawesi selatan, and next to it is my favorite macaroni schootel

Legendary Klaapertaart

Makin malem makin random yang diatas meja..that's Anggie's used hair extension, and accidentally kecampur di Klapertaart..hahaha..GROSS!

this is my favorite flow twining's or Dilmah Chamomile Teaaa..yay!

promise..this is my last cup..=)