Sunday, August 8, 2010



One of Japan mall in Orchard 'Isetan' Ihhh..Setaaaann..-_____-

Naik ini one of my favorite flat shoes

My expression when we decided to..kelilingan orchard jalan kaki, ambigu kan? absurd kan? seneng apa sebel..u name it!!!

Singapore Art Museum

I've told ya..he's ugly duck!

This guys must have regretted wearing a black shirt LOL

I like Heaven and Earth ice green tea at MC.D, so refreshing

Setelah muter2 seharian di Orchard, cari sepatu rendi 10.000 toko didatengin, we decided signing sessionnya Tokio Hotel, sayang banget kalo udah nonton trus pas ada acara signing sessionnya tp ga di datengin, and the venue deket juga di Bugis Junction, kita tinggal naik dari Bras Basah MRT station, transit bentar trus nyampe deh and the Bugis junction is upon the Bugis MRT station, jadi tinggal naik eskalator ja sekali..

The signing session venue

Just Tiny spot of the crowd

Daaan,,ternyata gw telat, pas gw sampe depan antrian..pas banget mas2 Singapur nya nutup portal antrian..WTF?????? ni smuanya gara2 ada yg kelamaan nyari sepatu gitu deeh di Orchard..hmmm..
pas mau foto candid trus dapetnya malah ky gini..hellooooooww???? *garuk ketek, lempar lembing, joget dayak* --________-- okay that blurry things supposed to be Tokio Hotel fotonya pake kamera pocket plus bingung mau ngapain soalnya suddenly i need to go to pee gara2 Bill melambaikan tangan HAHAHAHAAHAAH LOL

Ngarep dapet yang kaya gini

Like this

Or like this

Like this

Like this

Like this

Like this

Like this

Like this

Or at least pictures like this? huh? u know bugis is one of my favorite you can leave me without a map..i know this place better than YOU!
but now..i'm sick..bye Bugis!
Bill Kaulitz damn good with this plaid red shirt..this is alay-alay Dahsyat favorite outfit is'nt it? -_- and the girl looks like.."uhhh..Bill..i'am uhh..err.." RAWR!!

Blah..emosi!!!! i'm AWAAAAAAYYYYYYYY from Bugis Junction
jumped to Orchard Road..fark!

I like this mall..Takashimaya too boring =(

Night at orchard, the up left is a big giant screen..its ION mall

Akhirnya setelah sakit hati berdarah-darah dalam penyesalan nestapa dan nelangsa, kita memutuskan untuk safari night ke Holland village, Poppy said 2AM Desert Bar highly recommended..she said that her favorite's menu H2O is the way better than orgasm.. o_O what was that? 2AM Desert Bar ada di jalan 21A Lorong liput, Holland Village Singapore, tempatnya kecil dan sempit, kalo mau masuk ke atas kita harus naik tangga, but after that dalemnya asik banget buat ngumpul2, okay lets see our menu..

Inside the 2AM Desert Bar

The sofa..kita pilih disini supaya bisa sambil ngelurusin kaki yang dipaksa jalan ribuan kilo siang tadi..

This is called Purple, made from raspberry, or blueberry, also something like creamcheese, sorbet, sama ada kembang2 nya *berasa Suzanna* yang busa putih itu sumpah bukan ludah cheff nya..YIKES!! but its for around SGD $14.50

Poppy recomended this, it called H2O, the only ingredients that i remember is Evian..I dunno where, you think! rasanya agak pahit ky dari dark chocolate, trs di tengahnya ada buletan segede Fererro Rocher dan itu WAW!!! yg putih itu kayaknya Lime Sorbet buat gimbangin rasa pahit nya.. one for around SGD $16.50

Vino..late night at Holland Avenue

Okay that's me =s

At the corner of Holland street, Vino, Poppy, Joker, Lova, n Rendi

After that, kita nunggu bis kira2 240 jam lah utk ke MRT Station terdekat trus langsung naik last MRT lanjut ke Mustafa Little India buat belanja oleh2, it's like one big market yang makin malem makin rame, barangnya banyak se alaihim kodir mau cari apa aja juga ada, asal yang masih bisa dipake mahluk hidup, segala rupa ada..seru sih kesini, apalagi kalo dollar nya juga seru -___-