Tuesday, May 31, 2011

a new face

HAH just kidding, don't be crazy, how self loathing and emo would that be?

I'm just kind of sick of my current overall 'look' at the moment. Sure, I'm still keen on long flowy hair (I can't remember the last time I had it this way), coral peachy cheeks/lips and 'natural' looking eyes (of course, we ladies and lady boys know exactly how much work goes into achieving this look).

BUT. I've been feeling a bit antsy lately. I want to change something but nothing tooo drastic. When I wore my hair short it was so much easier to shake things up - I just got another short, slightly different haircut. Boom. Instant facelift. It's taken me SO. LONG. to grow my hair out though! And it's been windy a lot lately so it floats behind me all pretty-like, therefore I'm keeping it.

So what to do?

WELL. On Saturday I bought a rather rad purple mascara from MAC!!! I know, I am awesome. I have been searching for a nice coloured mascara for a while now (don't 80s judge me, coloured mascaras are coming back, trust me) so it was a pleasant surprise to see MAC's new range which looks a little something like this:

Like I said, I got the purple one but I want electric blue next. Purple is a good choice though if you want something a bit more subtle. I've worn it twice now, and it's been noticed on each occasion, but only in the right light. If you've got a bit of flashy bright light around you and you have pretty dark lashes like me, you might get it to look like this (sometimes even a bit brighter, but I couldn't be bothered to keep taking pictures that really captured the right light, at the right angle, etc):

And in normal light, you might look like this:
As you can see, you also get quite a bit of length from this baby. PLUS it is actually super gorgeous with my staple coral makeup! As well as with pink, charcoal and black. Surprisingly versatile.

Next stop, hair. I AM SO BORED OF MY HAIR. Unless it's windy, as mentioned, and it's all floaty behind me. I used to cut my hair seriously all the time, but I've never dyed it. Ever. And I don't really want to because I quite like my natural hair colour. What to do then?! a girl might ask herself.

Well, do you remember what gorgeous Drew Barrymore did to hers during the 'Whip It' press tour? It's ok if you don't remember, I have pics:

But you know, the opposite. As my hair is super dark brown, I really, really want dip-dyed bleached blonde tips. Super straight edged, all along the bottom, about 3/4 of an inch up. That way, if I get sick of it really quick/hate it immediately I can just snip it off! And voila, healthy ends again. What do you think? My mother hates the idea but I'm sort of fixating on the possibility of doing it next week.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Celina Jaitley Hot


Directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali 
Starring: Hrithik Roshan, Aishwarya Rai, Aditya Roy Kapoor, Shernaz Patel
Released: 2010
My Rating: 7/10


I have to admit it: I am a die-hard Sanjay Leela Bhansali-fan. I love all his movies, even the much criticized Saawariya, because he is a real artist and conveys emotions like no other in his works. I discovered Bollywood with his Devdas and I can assure you that you would need hundreds of lifetimes to find someone who loves this movie as much as I do. So yes, I am an ardent admirer of him and that was only natural that Guzaarish was my most-awaited film of the year 2010. I was really excited about it, all the more so as the topic it was to deal with was very sensitive and not easy to talk about. But I was confident. So did Guzaarish meet my expectations?

Well, let's talk about the story first, it is set in Goa where lives one of the most acclaimed magician, Ethan Mascarenhas (Hrithik Roshan), an acclaimed but a crippled magician. He became a quadriplegic when several years ago, a dangerous magic trick turned wrong. He now tries to give hope to people through his FM station, 'Radio Zindagi', his joy and laughter make it difficult to imagine that this is a man who spent the last several years of his life in a wheelchair. Ethan finds much help and comfort in Sofia D'Souza (Aishwarya Rai), her faithful nurse, and shares with her an affectionate, trustful and deep bond.

However, someday and out of a sudden, Ethan summons his dear friend and lawyer Devyani (Shernaz Patel); the man who used to give hope and joy to others despite his own hardships, has decided to fill a case to the court for euthanasia, for "mercy killing". It is a shock for the people around him, especially to Sofia who feels that this is a hard blow to their relationship. Devyani first hesitates but eventually understands her friend and decides to defend him. Among that confusion appears Omar Siddiqui (Aditya Roy Kapoor) who considers Ethan to be the greatest magician ever. His only goal is to learn magic from him; impressed by his passion and enthusiasm for magic, Ethan accepts to pass on his legacy to him while he has to defend his right "to die"...
...has now turned into sad situation.
 Let's first speak about what hits your eyeballs first: the visuals. The sets are fabulous, they are a treat, and they scream beauty and elegance throughout. I feel they help to the symbolical side of the story, it is beautiful and elegant and yet it is empty, just like how Ethan's life is. He lives in a big and beautiful house in which he cannot even move anymore. That is the grandness of the sets that can take the breath away of someone, but somehow one can also feel "emprisoned" just like Ethan. But that was not a bad thing for the story.

Wow... just wow...
Well, how does the story go? The first half went by like a dream. Everything was filmed beautifully. One falls immediately into the story. I smiled with Ethan, I laughed in the scenes between Sofia and Omar. I cried with the characters. I felt Ethan's immobility and emprisonment in this big mansion, this big place in which he cannot move. And as the movie flies, it deepens your thinking - especially through the court scenes. The big question that raises is this: do we have the right to decide over the life which belongs to somebody's else, even when this person wants to die? Bhansali does not give us an answer, he does not really say that there is a good or bad way. In the end, it is Ethan's own desire and will, and that is what matters the most.

All the emotions present work until the second half comes, and there the story simply stagnates. Usually everything is in their own and right deserved place in a SLB's movies, and that is not the case with Guzaarish. There appears very disturbing plotholes. First, how was Ethan before his accident? You will get one or two songs where he is dancing and performing magic... No more than that. Oh yes, and one scene where he performs, dances and kisses an ex-girlfriend, who was her assistant before his accident, the latter that will tell him through the phone that yes, indeed, she agreed he should die. At that scene, she is married and has a new life. Why did she leave him? Because of his accident? Nobody knows and will ever know. Then suddenly we also learn that Ethan's accident that made him crippled for life was the result of the betrayal from his former best friend, Yaseer Siddiqui. Why did he really do that? Jealousy? Once again... who knows? Then suddenly it is revealed (without any surprise when one sees the name) that Omar is the son of that very former friend. Ethan accepts it and says nothing. What was the use of revealing that? I do not know. What does it add to the story? I do not know either. One feels emptiness watching this movie, as if it was done with a shallow way. Unfortunately Bhansali did not give the topic and the movie the deepness that it deserved. Something was terribly missing. 
Believe in magic...

So unfortunately, in terms of story, Guzaarish did not meet my expectations but I found the positive in the soundtrack and the performances. I used not to think much of the soundtrack when I heard the promos, but in the movie, they were in their perfect place. My heart goes to Udi, it was my favourite moment of the movie and showed even more deepness to the character of Sofia. (character that I just loved) To me, it is the most beautiful song of 2010, and probably the most beautiful cinematic moment of last year.

But what gives strong points to Guzaarish are the actors and their performances. Hrithik was amazing, people who say that it was the best of his career are not wrong. His face is so expressive, his eyes deep and one can feel his inner sadness so strongly. He portrayed the joyful and depressed shades of Ethan perfectly. Aditya Roy Kapoor gives the movie its light, most of the light moments were his. There was a frankness in his performance that I totally loved. But the special mention has to go to Aishwarya. That was her career best. She as Sofia was the soul of the movie. She was amazing and mindblowing, there were no flaws in her portrayal. There would be no Guzaarish without Sofia in my opinion. Sofia is a magical dream, she rises like a phoenix out of her ashes, blooms like a rose and is as mysterious as the smile of Mona Lisa. She seems to be another definition for the word woman. She is strong, level-headed, frank and a devoted friend. 

The love-story between Ethan and Sofia was beautifully directed and portrayed. You do not see it, you feel it. Their love was so beautiful and spirited, it was quiet but so strong thanks their feelings.

Aren't they cute? 
That scene was... hilariously awkward
Ok, now this is sad... very sad... :(

Do you love Sanjay Leela Bhansali's works? Then, watch Guzaarish but I would advice you to lower your expectations. That was my mistake, mine were too high and perhaps I do not like it as much as it deserves. But unfortunately, it cannot gain points from me when there are plotholes and that something is definitely missing. I felt the emotions but I was sometimes disconnected from the story. However, it is worth your time if you want to see a great performance from Hrithik and an Aishwarya at her absolute best. You will see beautiful scenes, but do not expect a perfectly executed movie. No matter how much a movie is technically perfect, if it has no soul, one cannot love it.

Credit goes to Lime(tte) for the screencaps (I hope you do not mind. I can still remove them from my blog if you wish Lime). Do check her "visual review" of Guzaarish here

Kashmira Shah hot stills

Ileana latest unseen hot still

Saturday, May 28, 2011

MUST FOLLOW: Lizzie Olsen

Perhaps her surname sounds a bit familiar, and that’s because Elizabeth, or ‘Lizzie’ as the media use to call her, is no one less than the Olsen twins’ little sister. Born in 1989, Elizabeth has already developed a truly committed relationship with the art of acting.

Not only that, but she has also delivered amazingly unique looks non-stop, ever since she attended the 2011 Sundance Film Festival for her role in the indie drama ‘Martha Marcy May Marlene’. This talented young lady mixes the best of both worlds (or both sisters for that matter): Ashley’s sophistication and Mary Kate’s trendy ‘boho’ allure. Lizzie’s favorite fashion keys seem to be the maxi skirts / maxi dresses, knitted beanies and trendy scarves. Elizabeth has an innate ability to pull off casually trendy outfits, with somewhat of ‘the girl next door’ appeal. Her hair and make up choices are usually natural, enclosing her with a fresh and youthful charm, impossible not to love. Without doubt, Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Olsen has rapidly become a 'must follow' acting star and style icon.


Quizás su apellido les resulte un tanto familiar, y eso se debe a que Elizabeth o "Lizzie", como los periodistas del espectáculo suelen llamarla, es nada más ni nada menos que la hermana menor de las gemelas Olsen. Nacida en 1989, a su corta edad Elizabeth se ha mostrado realmente comprometida con su profesión actoral.

No sólo eso, sino que además no ha dejado de deleitarnos con looks increíblemente únicos desde que se presentó en el Festival de Sundance de 2011, para estrenar su nueva película indie "Martha Marcy May Marlene". Esta talentosa jóven reúne lo mejor de ambos mundos (o ambas hermanas en este caso): la sofisticación de Ashley y el encanto bohemio de Mary Kate. Las claves estilísticas de Elizabeth parecen ser los maxi vestidos y maxi faldas, los gorros tejidos y las bufandas que están tan de moda. Lizzie tiene una habilidad innata para armar conjuntos a la moda, con un toque casual y relajado. Sus elecciones de peinado y maquillaje son casi siempre naturales, lo cuál la envuelve con una frescura y encanto juvenil que es imposible de pasar desapercibido. Sin dudas, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Olsen rápidamente se ha convertido en una estrella de cine e ícono de estilo.

PH: google images


Directed by Sudhir Mishra
Starring: Kareena Kapoor, Rahul Bose
Released: 2003
My Rating: 8/10

There are some movies whose beauty just shines and blinds you at the first watch. It can change one's life, it can change your view of seeing things. Chameli just did the latter for me. It heartens your heart and makes you smile.

The story seems simple though. Aman Kapoor (Rahul Bose) is a heartbroken man after the death of his wife and now drowns in alcohol, smoking and parties - parties he is not even interested in. That is his own party he leaves one rainy night, until his car breaks down in an alley. Call it the chance, or a coincidence, his cell-phone battery is also out of order. He takes refuge from the heavy rain in this alleyway. There he meets Chameli - a prostitute. He is initially repulsed by her, but as the night and time fly, and that both need to wait for the rain to stop, they slowly acquaint. He learns to understand her, to respect her and there grows a beautifully developped relationship during one rainy night. 

Chameli is the story of an encounter of two people - unhappy with their life - who suddenly stop in their way and share their grief, who suddenly learn more about life and move on. Aman's and Chameli's worlds are different, but for one rainy night, they walk together. Aman goes above his prejudice and as he learns more about Chameli, treats her with respect and eventually even protects her. Chameli finds in Aman her ideal, she finally meets, one night, this kind man who respects her and does not want anything from her. I feel one-night-encounter movies are very difficult to make, they need to be interesting and also realistic. Chameli succeeds in both and even more.

A heartbroken man
A woman strengthened by her tragic life

One strong point about Chameli is that the director did not want to create in us sympathy for Chameli just because she is a prostitute who was forced to end up there. You end up liking her for what she is, she is dignified, strong and generous. As any other good human-being, she helps those she loves. Just like Aman, the viewer slowly knows her more and more and becomes attached to her. 
 Kareena Kapoor is wonderful as the fierce Chameli. I prefer her in this kind of movies, this is where her acting skills are really put to use and I feel this is in those movies she looks the most beautiful. She just looks beautifully natural. Rahul Bose, however, gives a rather subdued performance, and leaves the light mostly to Kareena, but it does not make his performance any less good. He still leaves a strong impact as the heartbroken man whose life will change with this one-rainy-night encounter and thanks to Chameli's life philosophy. He will learn to live, as Chameli will learn that there is good in some other men. What I felt was the film's flaw were how the flashbacks to Aman's life were handled. They most of the time broke the space of the film which is pity but that is a minor flaw compared to all the qualities of this movie.

The soundtrack is really lovely, one special mention goes to "Bhaage Re Mann" which at the first hearing has become one of my absolute favourite rainy song. There is hope and joy written all over it, and the picturisation is, I feel, so delightfully simple and moreover, Kareena's happiness is overwhelming.

Chameli is about the birth of a beautiful relationship between two people, in a place where it does not ususally happen. One could reproach to this movie to be too idealistic in the end, and to drag at times, but its characters and their depth, this mature portrayal of a relationship based on trust and the impressive performances make it worth it. It teaches you, as a popular French proverb says, that 'after the rain comes the beautiful weather'.

The sun always appear in the end... even after a rainy night.

Kajal Agarwal, latest cute stills

Friday, May 27, 2011


"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." -Marianne Williamson

Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's hard being a Christian. Christianity is all about living for Someone else (Jesus Christ); your life is no longer your own. You have to kill your flesh and fleshly desires daily. You live a life that is focused on departing, not giving in to the things of this world. In today's society, no one wants to live for another; they all want to live for themselves. My relationship with Christ is the best thing that has ever happened me. I am crucified with Christ, I no longer live but it is Him who now lives in me......Be encouraged to take a stand for Christ in a world that is not standing for anything at all.

dimitar berbatov manchester united images

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Song of the Day: Big B + Sri = Happy Me - Main Aisi Cheez Nahin from Khuda Gawah (1992)

Today's 'Song of the Day' is in response to the ongoing (and confirmed) reports of Sridevi and Amitabh Bachchan coming together once again on-screen in Balki's next film.

When I think of Amitabh & Sridevi, the first thing I think of is the 80s movie Inquilaab and the song 'Bichhu Lad Gaya' ... but then I can't forget the EPIC-ness of 1992's Khuda Gawah. This movie was the ultimate for me -- the pairing of these two was practically spiritual in my world.

Khuda Gawah is a tale that carries you from Afghanistan to India and back again -- detailing the lives of a larger-than-life Pathan named Baadshah Khan (Amitabh Bachchan). He falls in love with the bewitching Benazir (Sridevi), but they are separated due to complicated circumstances and Baadshah Khan is jailed in India.

In their many years of separation a daughter is born to them, named Mehndi (Sridevi, again). Baadshah Khan also befriends the jailer in India, who names his own daughter Henna (Shilpa Shirodkar). The corrupt inspector of Baadshah Khan's jail ends up getting killed and Baadshah gets the blame -- leading the inspector's son Raja (Nagarjuna) to grow up hating Baadshah and wanting revenge. Mehndi grows up under the care of Baadshah Khan's best friend Khuda Baksh (Danny Denzongpa) as her mother becomes mentally disturbed when she is told that Baadshah Khan is dead (he isn't, he just wants her to move on since he's stuck in jail indefinitely).

When she hears what happened to her father, she sets out to India to find him and bring him home. Mehndi and Raja end up meeting and falling in love. But then both Benazir and Khuda Baksh are kidnapped by the very rival that framed Baadshah Khan, which leads to a final showdown with all our players in the deserts of Afghanistan.

Yes it sounds like a crazy mess but I seriously LOVED this movie. You cannot help but love Baadshah Khan and you root for him all the way. And the songs in this movie are phenomenal! My favorite was always 'Mere Watan Main' - a duet between Sridevi and Nagarjuna (I wonder if they spoke Telugu to each other on set?), but because we're talking about Sri and Big B, I have to go with 'Main Aisi Cheez Nahin' -- a challenge of sorts between Baadshah Khan and Benazir that comes very early in the film. I ADORE this song and love the fiery chemistry between the leading two. Sridevi is FIERCE and Amitabh is so distinguished. And Danny! I love Danny!

So here's 'Main Aisi Cheez Nahin' from Khuda Gawah, sung by Mohammed Aziz and Kavita Krishnamurthy