Friday, March 18, 2011

Protecting Hearts

This is probably one of the hardest entries to write. I don't like to talk about myself and relationships; I have no clue why. But as I started to think about what I wanted to say, I found myself staring at a blank page or deleting and rewriting my entry. The problem isn't that I don't have anything to say but I have too much to say. One of the things I am learning is that Christians are starting to have a serious battle scars by the time they get into the right relationship. I say that because I find myself in the same conversations, praying for the same things for so many because we don't protect our hearts. I am convinced that God has been doing some serious heart surgery lately. We get into relationships without praying, seeking guidance and/or direction and then when we're in too deep we want to start up dialogue with God about something that we originally had as a monologue. What's the worst part? We suffer a pain/hurt/heart break that closes us off the one that God has intended for us; leaving that person to climb gates/walls/electric fences or whatever we decided to place around our hearts. Is that fair? No, of course not. So what do we do to avoid it all together? If we treat our hearts the way we are supposed to treat our bodies (keeping it pure and for marriage) we won't have to worry about heartbreak. I have experienced this for myself; I was in a relationship and didn't seek God's guidance until I was too deep in. When God revealed to me that he wasn't the one for me, I was a mess. Let's just say 3 1/2 years later I can finally say that my heart is healed. To be able to finally wake up and not dread the pain in your chest, to be able to not hurt over the memories, wishes, and dreams is a feeling I thought I would never experience but now I do. All of this could have been avoided if I sought God first.

That chapter has come to an end, and the chapter begins with you seeking God to remove the pain (which He does) and starts to do a new thing in you. But for God to do a new thing in you, there are things that has to die and be removed. Think about it, if you were where you needed to be in God would you be in the situation you are in now? No, of  course not. We were more concerned with self (flesh) than our relationship with God. So, if you though heartache was a horrible pain, wait until God puts you in the fire to remove the impurities.  All those old, nasty, dormant habits has to removed/plucked/burned away. But don't worry, its for the best. You can't be used right now when you have random outbursts, or you have a lusting issue. You can't be used right now when you still like to party or if you have a gambling issue. Remember, we are supposed to be building up God's kingdom, not tearing it down. Once God has cleaned you, burned up those things in you that are not of Him you feel lighter, happier, at peace. It's an amazing and wonderful feeling. You actually look forward to God doing more purging in your life because it draws you closer to Him, and you had a taste of God that makes you want more. Living without Him no longer becomes an option. His love for you and your love or Him changes everything: decisions, plans, outlooks, etc.

And we reach the next installment......