Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mulberry Alexa bag

Well, I DID want I have it.

What does one do when one of their greatest desires comes to fruition? Find another bag to lust over? IS there any other bag more worthy of my love and affection than my very own oversized black Alexa? I think not.

If you follow me on twitter/are friends with me on facebook, I wouldn't really bother with this post. I'm just rehashing the excitement I felt last night when opening my beautifully wrapped package from net-a-porter only to finally lay my hands on my coveted bag. It is so beautiful. Lalala I am so happy. This marks a new beginning for me, I feel. It's an all new super STYLIN' Aph! Yippee! (Feel free to interject and be like "DUH Aph what are you talking about, you were ALWAYS super stylin'! Hah! You are so silly!")

Anyway, wanna see?!

 I don't know how to make this sideways on the blog (it looks normal to me) but looook how pretty!

 Dun dun dunnnn

At this point my mother was getting very impatient with me and yelling about too much wrapping. But I like it.


Would you just look at my baby? How pretty is she?!

I tried to get a clearer shot, but um, I was a tad excited welcoming the newest member of my family.

I've been making this face pretty much since yesterday. Gleeful, yes, and a little bit smug.

Don't we look good together?

My arm finally feels like it's found its soulmate. It's love.