Sunday, March 20, 2011

An estate wedding

I've always wanted a picturesque estate wedding. There would be a massive old manor house that we would hire out for the weekend, everybody would stay and the party would carry on well into Sunday until everyone collapses in their own rooms, to be roused at noon for brunch on the patio. With lots of champagne. Fun, right?

The (non-denominational committment-) ceremony would take place under a huge tree, in the dappled sunlight of a perfect Spring day. Around the other side of the manor house would be a huge marquee (just in case), a spread of delicious food, a profusion of fresh flowers...ah, but enough about the decor. That's for another blog.

Ideally, the wedding would take place at one of the following places:

Who wouldn't want to go to a fabulous wedding at a chateau in France or a castle in the rolling English countryside?! N.B. Yes, that second last one is indeed the Pemberley of the Colin Firth BBC mini-series Pride and Prejudice.

Old Westbury House
Another fantasy location I've long had my eye on is Old Westbury House on Long Island. Do you recognise it?

If he hadn't passed long before his time, perhaps a young Sebastien Valmont could have attended my wedding?

Yaralla Estate
A little closer to home though (like, 1 minute away) I have also recently begun considering Yaralla Estate. I went on a school excursion here once, when I was really little, and the hidden grottoes and massive old pool utterly enchanted me. Might have to rethink the season (and therefore decor) though because Yaralla is at it's most beautiful in the Autumn when all the maples have turned a firey red. Imagine the photo ops.

Terrara Estate
Also in Australia, though a little further away, is the beautiful Terrara Estate. I especially love Terrara because it has a separate little honeymooner's cottage. It is adorable.

Peppers Convent
Peppers Convent in the Hunter Valley is also gorgeous and so are the rooms available. It is one of the surprisingly few I quite like in the Hunter Valley. HV has nice vineyards but I can't find a lot of impressive estates. Holla if you know of any.

And finally, some random images that I think nicely sum of the 'feel' of the wedding I would quite like to have on a manor estate.

So who wants an invite?

P.S. HAS ANYBODY READ 'ONE DAY' BY DAVID NICHOLLS? If you have, can you please let me know so I can squeal/rant/howl about it with you? I am dying here, with no-one to share my thoughts with.