Sunday, March 6, 2011

REVIEW: Woods Of Arden - Short Fuse Dynamite EP

A fantastic EP by an even more fantastic band...

Woods Of Arden is:

Alex Kostov - Vocals
Mario Traina - Lead Guitar
Chad Cresante- Rhythm Guitar
Jordan Wolfson - Bass
Michael Gambino - Drums

First off, let me first state that while I'll always like a mainstream band I follow that puts out a great album, what I love even more is an unknown, local, unsigned band that just "get's it". When I say that, I mean they know what they are doing with their music and understand their sound. They don't try any bullshit with effects on their instruments and vocals. It's just them, kicking ass. When I first popped this EP into my car stereo, by the end of the first track "Over The Line", I nodded my head and said to myself "Yeah, these guy's get it".

I've heard a lot of demo's and EP's by local bands that want to make it. Most of the bands were wannabe rip offs. Some were just not good. Others tried to be Linkin Park and mess with Auto-Tune and made their record sound like shit, when it could have been a pretty decent record. Not Woods Of Arden. They go right around the garbage that is Auto-Tune and deliver 6 amazing Rock tracks that rival the mainstream artists.

This EP has everything I look for in a good band: Good sound from all the instruments, catchy guitar riffs, smooth bass, good drum technique and a singer that can deliver the goods live. Today's technology, while amazing and brilliant, can make the worst singers sound like Sinatra. I was worried about this band being another one of those disappointments, until they performed "Crazy" on an episode of Ham Radio not to long ago...

I was blown away by these guy's. They took an already great sounding song, toned it down to make it into a deep, dark sounding acoustic song. It reminds me of early Nine Inch Nails, which is saying a lot. The only criticism I have if anything, is on the studio version of "Crazy", instead of going right into the vocals, they should have started it with the acoustic guitar chords and kicked in the vocals like they did in that video. I tried to find anything else about this EP I didn't like. I failed. I looked up videos of them performing live and I came across this...

It's the best video of them live I could find where you hear everything in a live performance. There is no doubt in my mind that on the EP that is all Alex's voice, not Auto-Tune. That to me is what makes a great band.

Although my favorite track on the EP is "Twice As Nice", every song is a 5 star effort.

Summary: Woods Of Arden, a local band from Staten Island, NY, created a 6 track EP that is nothing short of epic. Why they aren't signed to a label and have heavy rotation on Rock stations everywhere is mind-boggling. I strongly suggest you get this EP on Itunes. It's the best $6.00 you could spend.

MY RATING: 9.5/10

Written by: Hammy
Twitter: @BrainstuHammy