Friday, February 4, 2011


Now therefore fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and in faithfulness….” Joshua 24:14a ESV (Bolded by me).

I hate when I find myself in a place where my words doesn’t mirror my actions. Lately, I have been asking God to make sure my “Sunday language” (I love this phrase. It means the things I say in church) matches my everyday lifestyle. Let me tell you: never ask God for something because when He delivers on His side you will have to deliver on yours. I can say the past month; the past week even has been an eye opening experience. I realize there are areas in my life that I will not compromise with and than there are areas where I would and I shouldn’t at all. I realized that I have reached a point where I love God more than wanting approval from peers, co-workers and friends. I want to please Him and make Him happy; so that requires a no-compromise on my part in many areas. Why a no-compromise? When people see that you are CONSISTENT (there goes that word again) and your lifestyle lines up with the word of God, you can draw people to Christ because your “no” is always “no” not “yes, on the weekends” and “no during the week”. If we compromise in certain areas of our lives when the word tells not to we become a hindrance to the
 building of God’s kingdom instead on a help. Let me use an illustration for you: imagine a wall is being built and you are assigned to a certain section. You make the bricks and build the wall. You have a certain list of ingredients and a mock up of how the wall should look. You decide you will use your own ingredients or skim on some and build the wall the way you like because the mock up and ingredients list is to hard to follow and will take too long. Soon, part of the wall that is being built start to crumble, but it’s not just your part of the wall that’s starting to fall it’s the WHOLE WALL! If you did your part the way you were supposed to, it wouldn’t have happened. That’s how it is in our walk with Christ, God lays out a plan for us and we know for a fact it’s not a bad one (Jeremiah 29:11). He even illuminates the way for us in His word (Psalm 119:105) which is our guide book with all the ingredients to make this life a good one. If we swerve from the path and still try to do the work and confess with our mouths and not with our lives, we will push people further from Christ instead of closer because we decided to cut corners.

We are ONE body (Romans 12:4-5) (arms, hands, feet, toes, fingers, back, legs….you get the picture) and we must work TOGETHER. Body parts can’t operate apart from each other, imagine how we would look if one hand decided to go one way the other another way and our feet in two different directions= absolute chaos! That’s how it is in the body of Christ. We all have certain functions, duties and gifts that TOGETHER work for the building of the church and kingdom. So I have to do my part and you have to do yours and that means INSIDE and OUTSIDE of the church. If you feel like I do, like there’s areas in your life that you compromise aware and unaware bring it before the Lord in prayer….I warn you, He will answer and there maybe things that you may not like about yourself when He reveals it but the blessing is knowing that you have a Father in heaven who loves you and wants you to be more like Him. So when He reveals it to you ask Him to work on those areas in you (you may have to do work as well, don’t be lazy! Lol) and watch the difference it will make. That being said, I (finally) close with this over-used quote: “If you don’t stand for anything, you’ll fall for anything.” That statement packs a punch when you really think about it. What are you not standing for that is allowing you to fall? Be blessed.