Saturday, February 26, 2011

I Should Be Doing Laundry - "You Are What You Eat"

You Are What You Eat...

That's right people, you are what you eat, inside and out. Quite a few of my friends feel comfortable enough to come to me with their problems, either for me just to listen or for advice. I'm honored to know that 1. they trust me enough to confide in me, and 2. They value my opinion. I love them for that.

That being said, a close friend of mine came to me the other day and voiced their opinion on how disappointed their life has been going lately, and that they "hated themselves". It breaks my heart to know that any of my friends would ever feel that way. My thought is, whether you're unhappy with your relationship, current work status, financial situation, body, etc. you are what you eat, inside and out. What I mean by that is: Positive thoughts=positive outcomes. The only one that can take charge, control how you live your life and how to improve it is YOU. No one else, but yourself. I understand that the times that are upon us now are hard ones, and it can throw a monkey wrench into any situation, but for the most part, you can change anything in your life that doesn't please you, you only need to have the will, belief and strength to do it.

I dedicate this video to my close friend. I want you to know that I will always be there for you, and no matter what comes your way, I will be right there beside you. Now stop eating that Negative Nancy Sandwich, grab yourself a Positive Power Bar and make the changes you need to do to make you happy and LOVE LIFE because its too short not to!

Written by: Maryanne
Twitter: @BostonBombshell