Sunday, February 13, 2011


If you read my last blog you may know that I have currently fucked my left ankle and can barely walk. As is always the case when you can't have something, I am now obsessed with wearing stupidly ridiculous high heels.

I mean, I've always loved them, obviously. But I rarely wear the craziest ones I have unless I am going somewhere super special and formal and I know there will be seating available. However on Saturday night I got it stuck inside my puny little mind that I wanted to wear my DVF wedges with my new clothes and strapped ice to my elevated ankle all day long in the hopes I would be able to get away with wearing them.

Visual aid of said DVF wedges:

Clearly, this was an unrealistic goal and I did not wear them for fear of actually breaking and forever damaging my exceptionally bruised and inordinately swollen ankle. Sads.

Anyway, now I am obsessed with just staring at pictures of really, really high heels and sighing wistfully. As if I could a) afford any of them and b) walk in them - not for another month at least. Wanna see which ones net-a-porter is currently tempting me with?

I want to say Givenchy? Maybe Balmain.


Also Burberry. Such a good heel.

Donna Karan


Elizabeth and James

Givenchy. Possibly the perfect clogs.

Givenchy <3

Gucci. Not usually a fan of Gucci but...


McQueen highlander stilletto


Of course, the Louboutin Pigalle.

The killerest of killer heels.

I want my foot to get better so I can kill it again in those Pigalles :-(

Alas, until such a day comes I will content myself with any of these shoes, thanks:

Surface to Air aka surface to my HEART



Elizabeth and James

Elizabeth and James

Jeffrey Campbell


Sam Edelman - really feeling this style of boots