Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sinou Kaffee Hausen small gig

Last August we organized the event..its Intimate breakfasting moment at Sinou kaffe hausen, it was a small gig but with huge guests stars..they are Endah n Rhesa, RAN, and Music for sale with opening perfomance by Raissa..(I'm in love with her voice, and she's sooo gorgeous and beautiful). This gig availabled for only 100 guests..

Lack of light tempted us to avoid any photo taking, but of course, we managed to get in at least over a hundred serious, but i just uploaded a couple below..It was cool to finally sit down to a full out decent conversation between the girls and the boys, well..I've put it in the list of my top 10 quality times in this fasting month..


We have Endah N Rhesa


Also, Music for sale

Our Host.. Adit and Surya from MTV Insomnia, Indonesia

These are our of Sinou..lecker..lecker..

This man is kinda stalker..i dunno why he's always around me..=/

from left to right..Kemal, Dila, Michello, Pevita, Nurul, Asta and Vebby

Sweet reunion with RANs ex-Drumer Rama and the crews

Via with glasses..

Nurul, Tania, Me, and Izqie..

After the show..a cigarette would be good


Some hug?

Or this..LOL!!