Saturday, October 24, 2009

Measured and Found Lacking....

I haven’t blogged for a whole month! I am sooooo sorry! I am going to keep you up to date:

This month was our 32nd Church Convention (October 11th-18th, 2009). The theme was: “Stir Up the Gifts that is Within You” from 2 Timothy 1:6. It was an awesome week! The week before was praying and then I had to prepare our church newsletter/magazine called “Endeavor” for it. I have been so busy with it that I barely had any sleep.

My birthday dinner is at the Riverview in Long Island City, Queens. The guest list started out at 30 but now might be around 17-20. I would like for it to be an intimate affair but we’ll see. While I’m on the topic of the birthday dinner, a certain someone maybe a no show. But the dinner isn’t for him, it’s for me. You don’t turn 25 everyday.

My dress!!!!!! Where do I begin? I didn’t get in contact with my dress maker so I will have to buy a dress; the problem is that I don’t see any dresses that I like! Oh woe is me! I did see this awesome dress at H&M but we’ll see.

Dance- I am so humble and blessed that the Lord has allowed me to lead the Dance Ministry at my church. The vision has grown and I will be supervising 3 dance ministries. God is so good! I went to a Praise Dance Seminar today and was so blessed! I am so excited for the next chapter.

My relationship- My relationship with God is showing me that I could be sooo much further but I am holding myself back. I have found lacking and it’s time to get to work. I realize that we as Christians are always silent while other groups shout their beliefs and lifestyles from the hilltops; it’s time to stand unashamed!
There are areas that I am lacking in but I learned in my weakness His strength is shown.

My 25th Year a.k.a My Quarterlife- I am determined to end ties, and severe things in my life that are not of God and hinder my growth. It’s time to stand and stand for all to see. I have to make sure my lifestyle echos my words. It’s a new season; there’s no turning back. Also, I am back in Bible School! I started General Bible Survey 1. It’s a lot of work!

I hope that you guys have been blessed; I apologize for such a gap in my blogging. There has been so much on my plate lately. Be blessed.