Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Good Without God?

The BigAppleCoR.org has placed ads in the subways of New York City that says the following: “A Million New Yorkers are good without God……Are you?” This has really hurt my heart, but it has also opened my eyes. Who wants to be just “good” I rather be in an amazing experience with God in my life than just be “good” without Him. I don’t understand people sometimes. I was reading a series of articles on cnn.com and wikipedia about the things people are doing. SMH. I thank God for being a merciful God. There are times when I don’t want to be here anymore. I don’t want to be “good” without God. In a world of wickedness and where everyone indulges in “what feels good” why would you want to live without God? Loving without God is living without a purpose; without having that void filled. Sorry, I don’t want to be “good without God” I want to be complete and in awe with Him. Be blessed.