Thursday, October 1, 2009

tea and sympathy

I fear I may have fractured/broken my ankle. I fell alone in the yard in one of the ditches my dog dug. I somehow landed on said ankle twice. It bent one way, then another. I feel it is also important to note that I have a very, very weak ankle on account of having twisted/sprained it like 11 times over the course of my life. Anyway. I gripped the washing basket for a while before finding the strength to get up. My dog licked me a few times. It did not help.

I called my mother 20 minutes later after I had hobbled inside and she asked "what the hell is wrong" with me (I had a sore wrist earlier this week) and told me to find my old ankle guard, or just deal with it. I had this ankle guard when I was like 11 and obv. am having difficulty finding it now.

A little sympathy, some rustled up painkillers, and a method of compression for my throbbing ankle would not go astray right about now. Thank God I am going to see Arion this afternoon (cousin's baby) who will at least soothe any ill feelings I have towards the cold heartless people around me, if not the physical manifestion of pain in my right foot. I will be smiling and playing soon!