Saturday, October 31, 2009

My Top 10 Fav Songs- October 2009

Here's my Playlist for October. I actually enjoy doing this because it shows me my mindframe for each month. Enjoy:

1. Bethany Dillon- I Am Yours
I love this song! To hear how much she has grown as a artist is amazing. The song is something that we need to remind ourselves. We are not our own. We were brought with a price and belong to God. In our everyday life we have to show that; we are representatives for the Most High.

2. Ayiesha Woods- Happy
This is a wonderful feel good song. I love it! The Lord makes us happy and we should make sure our lives are in line with His word to bring joy to Him.

3. Damita Haddon- No Looking Back
This is my anthem for my quarterlife. I leave my past in the past. I move forward and there’s no turning back and no looking back. When we start to look forward and stop looking back we move at a quicker pace into the role God has given us. The time we waste looking back and comparing or past mistakes should be spent on looking forward and thanking God for His goodness.

4. Michael Gungor- Wrap Me In Your Arms
I had the pleasure of hearing this song while I was at Elevate for worship. It is such an intimate, beautiful song. To hear it in the acoustic version is even more amazing. To ask the Lord to take you to that secret place where it’s just you and Him; in His arms fellowshipping and worshipping Him is something that you can only ask if you really want to know Him. This song blows my mind every time I hear it.

5. Shane & Shane- Everything is Different
I love Shane & Shane; I fell in love with them when I first heard “Yearn”. They have a new album (one of which I am very excited to get) and this is the first song off their album. Maybe because I am about to enter a new chapter in my life that I am gravitating towards songs that speak of it but I love this song. Everything is different and will be different for me; I speak it and I receive it, lol.

6. Room for Two- Roots Before Branches
Room for Two is a new duo that has been placed in my radar. The song can speak to anyone. You have to have roots and place or something of substance to be rooted or planted into before you can grow and begin to do what you want to do. A lot of people fail to realize that we have to be equipped before we can be called. This song speaks about that situation. Patience is a virtue.

7. Phillip LaRue- Found
Phillip LaRue from the duo LaRue has been recording solo for awhile. This song is another love song (sorry, didn’t mean to like it). I like it because I want to get to that point: that I am so lost in God’s love that I don’t ever want to be found or find my way out. So quickly we taste a bit of God’s goodness than we run the other way. God wants us to know that small taste is just merely the beginning.

8. Britt Nicole- The Lost Get Found
Britt Nicole is quickly becoming one of my favs. That is saying a lot because I am a very picky girl that likes to rock out only. The song is an eye opener. It lets us know that our light isn’t for us but it’s so those who are lost and don’t know the Lord can come to Him. You know the Bible verse: “Let your light shine before men…” Matt. 5:16. We have to show God in us 24/7 because that one time we don’t could be the one time someone is seeking Him.

9. Unfailing Love (Kelly’s Song)- Jimmy Needham
I absolutely melted when I heard this song. It spoke to the romantic in me (the one that swoons when she gets to the part of Captain Wentworth’s letter in Persuasion). It’s such a beautiful love song that not only speaks about the love between two people but the love of God and His plan for the two people. It’s a beautiful and sigh worthy song. You will get dreamy eyes while listening.

10. Switchfoot- Mess of Me
It’s Switchfoot! I don’t have to explain why they are on my favs, lol. Really, I like this song because it’s an honest song. To admit you’re a mess and you can’t fix yourself takes a lot to admit; believe me I know. To top it off Jon Foreman’s voice (insert sigh here, lol) and the amazing band that is Switchfoot= amazing!