Saturday, October 31, 2009

My Top 10 Fav Songs- October 2009

Here's my Playlist for October. I actually enjoy doing this because it shows me my mindframe for each month. Enjoy:

1. Bethany Dillon- I Am Yours
I love this song! To hear how much she has grown as a artist is amazing. The song is something that we need to remind ourselves. We are not our own. We were brought with a price and belong to God. In our everyday life we have to show that; we are representatives for the Most High.

2. Ayiesha Woods- Happy
This is a wonderful feel good song. I love it! The Lord makes us happy and we should make sure our lives are in line with His word to bring joy to Him.

3. Damita Haddon- No Looking Back
This is my anthem for my quarterlife. I leave my past in the past. I move forward and there’s no turning back and no looking back. When we start to look forward and stop looking back we move at a quicker pace into the role God has given us. The time we waste looking back and comparing or past mistakes should be spent on looking forward and thanking God for His goodness.

4. Michael Gungor- Wrap Me In Your Arms
I had the pleasure of hearing this song while I was at Elevate for worship. It is such an intimate, beautiful song. To hear it in the acoustic version is even more amazing. To ask the Lord to take you to that secret place where it’s just you and Him; in His arms fellowshipping and worshipping Him is something that you can only ask if you really want to know Him. This song blows my mind every time I hear it.

5. Shane & Shane- Everything is Different
I love Shane & Shane; I fell in love with them when I first heard “Yearn”. They have a new album (one of which I am very excited to get) and this is the first song off their album. Maybe because I am about to enter a new chapter in my life that I am gravitating towards songs that speak of it but I love this song. Everything is different and will be different for me; I speak it and I receive it, lol.

6. Room for Two- Roots Before Branches
Room for Two is a new duo that has been placed in my radar. The song can speak to anyone. You have to have roots and place or something of substance to be rooted or planted into before you can grow and begin to do what you want to do. A lot of people fail to realize that we have to be equipped before we can be called. This song speaks about that situation. Patience is a virtue.

7. Phillip LaRue- Found
Phillip LaRue from the duo LaRue has been recording solo for awhile. This song is another love song (sorry, didn’t mean to like it). I like it because I want to get to that point: that I am so lost in God’s love that I don’t ever want to be found or find my way out. So quickly we taste a bit of God’s goodness than we run the other way. God wants us to know that small taste is just merely the beginning.

8. Britt Nicole- The Lost Get Found
Britt Nicole is quickly becoming one of my favs. That is saying a lot because I am a very picky girl that likes to rock out only. The song is an eye opener. It lets us know that our light isn’t for us but it’s so those who are lost and don’t know the Lord can come to Him. You know the Bible verse: “Let your light shine before men…” Matt. 5:16. We have to show God in us 24/7 because that one time we don’t could be the one time someone is seeking Him.

9. Unfailing Love (Kelly’s Song)- Jimmy Needham
I absolutely melted when I heard this song. It spoke to the romantic in me (the one that swoons when she gets to the part of Captain Wentworth’s letter in Persuasion). It’s such a beautiful love song that not only speaks about the love between two people but the love of God and His plan for the two people. It’s a beautiful and sigh worthy song. You will get dreamy eyes while listening.

10. Switchfoot- Mess of Me
It’s Switchfoot! I don’t have to explain why they are on my favs, lol. Really, I like this song because it’s an honest song. To admit you’re a mess and you can’t fix yourself takes a lot to admit; believe me I know. To top it off Jon Foreman’s voice (insert sigh here, lol) and the amazing band that is Switchfoot= amazing!

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

a little insight perhaps

Tonight I got something I have been wanting for a very long time. I received Tegan and Sara's new album 'Sainthood', and the three books that accompany it. I expected this package at least 8 days after this day. This made me happy. Opening the package made me happy. Quickly flicking through the pages of each book made me happy. Seeing documentation of the Sydney show I attended made me happy.

For those of you who know me personally, I am a histrionic, slightly dramatic, obsessive personality. I know this. And I know often it seems (and is) superficial and slightly exaggerated. But there are times, usually at concerts, when I feel the full extent of my obsession; and I won't lie, it feels amazing.

Tonight I listened to 'Sainthood' through for the first time lying on my bed in a t-shirt and knee-high socks. For the songs I didn't know, I lay back and closed my eyes and listened to them from start to finish. For the six I knew (that I did not download - I watched live performances of them on youtube) I finally got to scream along to them with the right lyrics. They sounded much better than their slightly inferior youtube recordings. I also realised, about halfway through the first listen, that this was the first time EVER that I had listened to a Tegan and Sara album for the first time after purchasing a newly released cd.

I downloaded their first four albums in 2004 when someone told me they were great. They were. I downloaded a leaked copy of 'The Con' before I bought it, justifying it by telling myself I wanted to know the songs beforehand, so I would enjoy it more when I had the cd. I actually abstained from streaming 'Sainthood' and I'm so glad I did. I also became quite emotional tonight. I don't actually know why, but reading through the first book and listening to the album made me cry. Sara is pretty, they are funny, and endearingly sweet in print as well as in person. Again, I don't know why this made me cry.

Unfortunately, the last two books are going to have to wait. I have a research proposal to write. I hate myself for it, but I have left the books on my bed for another time. I just would not enjoy them while anxiously thinking of this proposal in the back of my mind. So I have something to look forward to - for the first time in a while, truly.

As a final note, last week I read 'Juliet, Naked' by Nick Hornby. It is not a porno. It is not even dirty at all. It is about a middle-aged man who has been obsessed with a reclusive rocker for over fifteen years. It is probably an enjoyable, interesting book for whoever reads it. But I believe that unless you too are an obsessive, perhaps you will not be able to truly appreciate the depth and meaning of this book. This is going to be super crazy long, but I want to leave you with a quote from the book. Again, it is long. It is not necessarily my feelings pertaining to Tegan and Sara. But it sums up one of the many factors of obsession that I experience.

Duncan to his hero, the reclusive Tucker Crowe:
"well, you asked us to listen. And some of listened a little too hard... I'm not the only person who thinks you're a genius. And while you might think we're...we're inadequate as people, we're not necessarily the worst judges in the world. We read, and watch movies, and think... I still haven't peeled it all away, I don't think, even after all this time. I don't pretend to understand what those songs mean to you, but it's the forms of expressions you chose, the allusions, the musical references. That's what makes it art. To my mind. And...sorry, sorry, one last thing. I don't think people with talent necessarily value it, because it all comes so easily to them, and we never value things that come easy to us. But I value what you did on that album more highly than anything else I've heard. So thank you."

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Good Without God?

The has placed ads in the subways of New York City that says the following: “A Million New Yorkers are good without God……Are you?” This has really hurt my heart, but it has also opened my eyes. Who wants to be just “good” I rather be in an amazing experience with God in my life than just be “good” without Him. I don’t understand people sometimes. I was reading a series of articles on and wikipedia about the things people are doing. SMH. I thank God for being a merciful God. There are times when I don’t want to be here anymore. I don’t want to be “good” without God. In a world of wickedness and where everyone indulges in “what feels good” why would you want to live without God? Loving without God is living without a purpose; without having that void filled. Sorry, I don’t want to be “good without God” I want to be complete and in awe with Him. Be blessed.

Monday, October 26, 2009

In the Name of Action

Last Thursday The ACTion Collective made its big debut, rounding up roughly a dozen incredibly talented and daring actors for an event that invited them to bring scripts to be performed that very same night with minimal preparation, in most cases working with someone new-to-you. It was an experiment, a game, and I think a rousing success. Certainly preparing for it and the results we achieved roused enthusiasm in me for another such event, and so far the feedback has been positive enough to warrant that response. People had fun, and people have ideas for more fun along similar lines. As I've stated before, I'm a big fan of beginnings and the energy they engender. I think I'm becoming more and more appreciative of continuity, though -- particularly when it's my work I'm talking about, of course.

Our work, I should say, because a lion's share of the preparation for Thursday and for laying the groundwork for ACTion Collective at-large was achieved by Friend Andrew. It's been frankly inspiring (and only a little frightening at times) to work with such a reliable and responsive collaborative partner. We all have our projects, and we actors are notoriously wicked when it comes to neglecting one to serve seventeen others, and I am certainly guilty of letting slide a thing or two, here or there, from time to time . . . uh . . . over and over. I never realized before, however, that this occurs most often because I don't receive a response on my outgoing work soon enough. Such is not the case with Andrew, even remotely. It probably helps that we're both geeks (and getting geekier by the hour). We may as well call the Gods of Google our silent third(s?), and Andrew's a Mac, I'm a PC.

The event itself ("ACT I," we've taken to calling it) was a giant collaboration, in fact, which is part of why I wanted to do it in the first place. Fostering a sense of collaboration empowers actors, I believe, and also lends us some perspective on the many reasons that people with other jobs in creating theatre (or film, or what-you-will) may not always understand us. I was concerned about ACT I feeling too much like a potluck, without structure, yet wanted to allow room for participant contribution in a social setting. We found a nice balance -- people even contributed food and drink without prompting, and took every challenge we threw out at them with grace and eagerness. I think next time we'll feel more at ease to structure, leaving the freedom up to folks' own sense of proportion. The experiment is ongoing, but it definitely feels as though it's going forward.

Some of the contributing ideas to ACTion Collective, in no particular order:
  • It's called a "play" for a reason. (This is paraphrased from somewhere - Dario Fo, perhaps?)

  • Actors need to be empowered, because much of the audition and rehearsal processes can and do (intentionally or non-) relegate the actor's craft to a low priority.

  • Unlike other creative artists, actors need other people in order to act, because without them the equation isn't balanced, and the work is incomplete.

  • As actors, we can instinctively be in competition with one another, but this sabotages what we want to achieve in myriad ways -- see above.

  • The typical model of work-flow for a working actor largely puts him or her in the position of relying on others' decision-making for when they work and what they work on.

  • An actors' work is always, always better when s/he can combine the relaxation of game-play and experimentation with the desire to work toward the most effective expression of a script, which one doesn't always have the time or permission to achieve in a necessarily short rehearsal period.

  • Acting takes practice; good acting takes regular practice.

  • It's fun.

  • Most actors are willing to work for the sake of the work, but we must resist it in the interests of a sustainable career; being free to focus on the craft on a regular basis, without such worries, empowers us to make sure we value the rest of our efforts as we should.

  • Networking is not enough; we need a community.

  • Action begets action.

It's exciting work in an exciting time. At first, I was going to describe a bit of what happened, the little challenges and victories that came about, the laughs, and of course the pumpkin fudge, which doesn't sound natural but is an amazing and delightful adventure of the taste buds. But the fact is, it loses something in translation. Words will not suffice. It's not enough to hear about it, or even witness it.

To know it, you have to do it.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Measured and Found Lacking....

I haven’t blogged for a whole month! I am sooooo sorry! I am going to keep you up to date:

This month was our 32nd Church Convention (October 11th-18th, 2009). The theme was: “Stir Up the Gifts that is Within You” from 2 Timothy 1:6. It was an awesome week! The week before was praying and then I had to prepare our church newsletter/magazine called “Endeavor” for it. I have been so busy with it that I barely had any sleep.

My birthday dinner is at the Riverview in Long Island City, Queens. The guest list started out at 30 but now might be around 17-20. I would like for it to be an intimate affair but we’ll see. While I’m on the topic of the birthday dinner, a certain someone maybe a no show. But the dinner isn’t for him, it’s for me. You don’t turn 25 everyday.

My dress!!!!!! Where do I begin? I didn’t get in contact with my dress maker so I will have to buy a dress; the problem is that I don’t see any dresses that I like! Oh woe is me! I did see this awesome dress at H&M but we’ll see.

Dance- I am so humble and blessed that the Lord has allowed me to lead the Dance Ministry at my church. The vision has grown and I will be supervising 3 dance ministries. God is so good! I went to a Praise Dance Seminar today and was so blessed! I am so excited for the next chapter.

My relationship- My relationship with God is showing me that I could be sooo much further but I am holding myself back. I have found lacking and it’s time to get to work. I realize that we as Christians are always silent while other groups shout their beliefs and lifestyles from the hilltops; it’s time to stand unashamed!
There are areas that I am lacking in but I learned in my weakness His strength is shown.

My 25th Year a.k.a My Quarterlife- I am determined to end ties, and severe things in my life that are not of God and hinder my growth. It’s time to stand and stand for all to see. I have to make sure my lifestyle echos my words. It’s a new season; there’s no turning back. Also, I am back in Bible School! I started General Bible Survey 1. It’s a lot of work!

I hope that you guys have been blessed; I apologize for such a gap in my blogging. There has been so much on my plate lately. Be blessed.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

sorrows. beer. drowning.

I wish my life was dope, guns, fucking in the streets.

I wish I had more money so that I could drown my sorrows in shopping as opposed to beer (beer does not help with essay writing process - only vodka does - nor does it help with the calorie counting). If I had lots of money...oh man. I would be so happy. That sounds soooo superficial and lame but I ain't gonna lie. IT CAN BUY HAPPINESS. IT CAN IT CAN IT CAN. Anyone who says it can't hasn't seen these babies.


Alexander McQueen



Alexander Wang bag, as toted by MK.

And some more affordable options for 21st presents...

Chanel jade green nailpolish

Books to contribute to my shelves looking like this.

Particularly pretty ones that look like this.

An Hermes scarf. C'mon guys, a few of you can pitch in. And a few more of you can pitch in for this:

Chanel 2.55 black quilted leather handbag. I know I said I'd buy it for myself at the peak of my life (i.e. it WOULD be the peak of my life) but I heart shortcuts (lazy), I heart presents (greedy), and I heart you! So I'm willing to make the concession.

Oh, also taking money contributions so I can do the hard manual labour of going and buying that stuff myself. Thanks x

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Collecting Work

It's a little bit funny (this feeling inside...?). I wrote on the 7th about the madness brought about by not having acting work. That was a post I had actually begun some time before, but was a little too busy to complete for a week or so. The irony of such circumstances did not strike me at the time, focused as I was on just getting the dang thing out there. The distracting business was not largely of a theatrical nature -- though there's always the odd assignment here or there -- and so I was full up on the madness of which I wrote. There may be no money in it, but an empty acting roster can apply a similar pressure as that of an empty wallet. Incidentally, John Malkovich is famous for (among other things) having said, "I've always felt that if you can't make money as an actor, you're either incredibly stupid or tragically unlucky." John, I hope I never have the chance to discuss this little pearl with you.

Right here and now I can officially state that I am beginning to feel overwhelmed with theatre work. Not acting work, mind you. It is looking increasingly as though October's posts to the Aviary will not escape the single digits (again; we haven't done that since May) and though the primary culprit for that remains el jobbo del day, lots and lots of theatre work has officially chimed in on the effort to rid me of free time, with a cheery "hihowareya?!" The change is a result of a combination of factors, everything from the new phone to the approaching holidays. Not that I'm complaining, mind you, but it feels a like a drastic switch of mental state, which is generally how I've come to expect these things to occur.

The primary occupier for the past month has been a very new and exciting venture with Friend Andrew: The ACTion Collective. Tomorrow night we are hosting a slew of our favorite people to work with, who will be coming together to perform short readings of material that they themselves provide, and that we cast in the room. The idea is to gather actors together in a social setting in which they can also enjoy and explore their work without the pressures of a rehearsal process. Friend Patrick, who accepted one of our invitations, compared it to how jazz musicians get together to play music when they're not "working." That's the short-term goal. In the longer term, we hope to keep doing events such as this, with similar priorities placed on the acting, but also to build a very functional community (not just network) of theatre artists who enjoy learning from one another. We've done a lot of groundwork in the past couple of weeks on the supposition that ACTion Collective has a future beyond Thursday's event, so it's an exciting time.

In addition to that, a couple of directing possibilities for yours truly. I can't be very explicit about these, since they are rather nascent and involve other people's work, but both involve shorter works the which I will be taking no small amount of creative control of. Hopefully, they will prove less complex than that last sentence. It may seem odd that I would suddenly not only be directing, but be directing two projects. And it is. However, it's also partly because the projects are linked in interesting ways, and one affords me the opportunity to gear up for the other. The current work aspect of both at this point involves meeting with people and bouncing around ideas and philosophical opinions related to theatre. It's pretty great. It's also coming up on pretty important that I make serious headway with them both, so I'm glad Thursday's event is Thursday, and not, say, two weeks from Thursday.

I don't know what all this will lead to. I have a plan, of course, a course in fact that I'm hoping the work at least weaves in and out of, but if experience has taught me anything it is that man plans, God laughs. I usually feel most at home and fulfilled when I'm absorbed in theatre work, and now there's the added benefit of it being exactly the sort of work I want more of in the world. There's also the risk of putting my money where my mouth is, of which I am not unaware (read: completely freaked out). And the strangeness of acknowledging that it isn't acting work. Yet it's wonderful stuff. Gathering work means you're gathering people, bringing together a lot of talent, and a lot of just great people. And right now, I'm not sure that it gets any better than that.

Monday, October 19, 2009

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