Sunday, April 17, 2011

Having Like Minded Companions on the Journey

I had an amazing conversation with my fellow Village Versper tonight until fat droplets broke up our talk and I had to run to the train station. We were discussing the struggle it has been for us being single and not having anyone to relate to in this season. This has been an issue of mine for awhile. I have friends who are either engaged or married; and the conversation isn't to encourage me in the season now but to make me hope and look forward to the next season. But......what do I do now?  I know all the bible verses of waiting on the Lord and being encouraged but to have someone say "I am there too, and it so frustrating!" makes me feel so much better. It's not easy; and I will never lie and say anything about it is. To wait on God when I am so used to taking things into my on hands takes time and a patient God who is working on me daily. And the thing is God knows I can't walk away; I need Him. So what can I say to my fellow single Christians who are waiting patiently/impatiently on the Lord? Continue to wait, and have people who are God minded in your camp. That is so extremely important. Fellow Christians will give you the Godly advice you need that will help you and keep you walking in the right direction: towards Christ. If there is someone who is in your same situation (a fellow single): talk to them. It will feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. It is so important to also have a person who is stronger in their walk to talk to. I have the blessing of having my First Lady to talk to. She is like a big sister to me and I thank God everyday for her. I may not be able to talk to her as much as I used to, but when I do she always leaves a word with me that helps me further along in my walk. Finally, have literature that helps you now. I have read so many books about preparing for courtship and marriage but I have found that reading books about looking at this season as a blessing and not a transitional period helps me in my walk now. I want you to know that I am praying for you guys, especially in a society that looks at us like we have the plague when we tell them we are single and waiting on the Lord. Be blessed.