Monday, April 18, 2011

The Dress.

Dun dun dunnnn. It was all leading up to the dress, non? While I have flirted with the notion of a fairytale pouffy princess dress (because when else will I wear one?!) at the wise old age of 22 I've decided on something decidedly more elegant. Off-white, lacy, with straps (there'll be no hitchin' of the dress down the aisle for me). Thank heavens I didn't get married at 8.

Bits of Dresses
These dresses caught my eye for some reason or another, but not like, as a whole. Rather, each dress has some appealing element in it that I like and might like to incorporate into my own dress one day.

 Alberta Ferretti. Like: fall of the skirt, material.

 Anne Bowen. Like: fit of the bodice, material? I don't know actually what I like about this dress. There's something. Do you see it? Dislike: colour, shoulder straps.

 Christos. Like: lace!!!!, colour. Dislike: bulkiness.

 Douglas Hannant. Like: skirt, straps. Dislike: colour, boob pleating.

 Jenny Packham. Like: shoulder detail, bodice. Dislike: volume of tulle.

 Jenny Packham. Like: bodice, shoulder straps. Dislike: hem of the skirt.

 Jenny Packham. Like: sleeves. Dislike: everything else. This dress is not for a booby girl.

 Jenny Woo. Like: shoulder straps, fall of skirt. Dislike: Nothing really, but it's a bit too simple.

Ramona Keveza. Like: lace!!! Particularly, the bodice. Dislike: the veil. I don't think I want a veil.

These dresses are all, obviously, divine. However they all, obviously, would need some alterations to qualify for my wedding gown.

 Givenchy. Alter: um, the lady parts on display. 

 Givenchy. Alter: ditto above.

 Givenchy. Alter: ditto above above. But it's still soooo gorgeous.

 Givenchy. Alter: NOTHING.

Givenchy. Alter: MAYBE the height of the split, but it's pretty much perfect. This whole collection was (see: Cate Blanchett's Oscar dress).

Alexander McQueen. Alter: um, the head-dress obviously. And possibly the length of the train and the high neckline.

Oscar de la Renta
Despite all of the beautiful above options, this one dress has had me captivated since, like, forever. I first spotted it on Carrie and if it weren't for the gorgessity of the Vivienne Westwood I would have screamed at her for not choosing this one.

The only thing that tarnishes this dress is the fact that George W. Bush's daughter had it for her wedding. Grr.

Going away dress
HAS to be Lanvin:

Except, you know, I probably won't actually be going anywhere. That's ok, if I have my manor house/garden wedding we'll just have a fancy pants brunch the following morning and I'll wear it then.