Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Look How Far We Come

I have the blessing of keeping journals (I haven't been dedicated with constantly writing though, lol). The blessing isn't the actual journal but the entries. It is just amazing to look at my entries from 2-4 years back and I also have some as far back to High School! I can honestly say I can't believe how far the Lord has brought me. I look at the entries in moments of distress, when I am crying out to God, when He reveals things to me, etc. and I am truly amazed. I am determined now to keep up with my journal entries so that I can look back on it 10, 20 years from now and just see what was going on in my head, how God turned things around, and just how amazing He is and always will be. I encourage you to write your thoughts out and see how much clearer your mind feels. Be blessed.