Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Should Be Doing Laundry - "Growing Old Together"

Growing Old Together

So, as some of you may know, my husband has been out of work for almost 3 months due to a work related injury. Most wives would cringe at the thought of having their husband home with them, 24/7. I hear so many of my friend complain about their husbands, saying they such things as "he's so annoying", "he's such a baby" and "he's so controlling". When I hear them say these statements, my thoughts are 1. I feel bad for them  2. I feel so damn lucky to have such a wonderful man, that loves and respects me for who I am, and 3. I wish they could experience with their husbands what I have with mine. Do we have times where we bicker or argue with each other? YES, of course we do. Those times are few and far between. It hasn't always been this way with us. It took us many years of marriage to settle in and "get it right", so to speak. When we do fight, I always try to sit back and think "Is what we're fighting about really worth it?" and I can tell you now, 99.9% of the time, the answer is NO.

I have to admit having him home with me has spoiled me rotten. Myself only working part time and being home 5 days a week, I have really gotten used to having him here with me. Waking up with him in the morning, sitting at the kitchen table having coffee together, laughing and conversing for almost 90 days straight, has been an eye opener for me. I know now, more now than ever, that I married my soul mate. He is the one that I was meant to be with. The one that I will absolutely enjoy growing old with.

Yesterday he called me from his doctor's appointment and told me the doctor said his back is now better and is able to return to work. This was bitter sweet news to me. I was happy and relieved to know that he's healed, healthy and surgery was not needed to correct the problem. I was sad because our "quality time" is about to end. This time was not only good for the two of us, but also for our kids as well. There's a different feeling within "the family" now. I cant explain it. We've always been a very close family, sitting down having dinner together, as a family, 5 days a week, watching movies together, etc., and it seems like there is an even stronger bond made now. I love that. 

I wish all of you the happiness my husband and I have together. We may not have money, but we sure are rich with love.

I love you, Rob, with all my heart and soul. When you walk into a room I still get tummy flutters like when we first started dating. If these past months were any example of what it will be like to grow old with you, I consider myself a blessed woman.

Our Wedding Song: 9/10/95