Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Absence Has Made My Heart Grow Fonder.....

I am a horrible blogger; I admit it. I have been so busy and neglected you. So, let me update you. We just had our Youth Convention. The theme was "Experience the Glory" and boy did we. It was absolutely amazing!!!!! My cousin entered courtship and I'm counting down the days until she walks down the altar. So, that leaves me as the token single girl in the bunch now. This basically translates to avoid ALL events where it will be a couples thing instead of friends hanging out ( I discovered that people in relationships are always trying to hook up their poor single friend, lol), seek out my single SAVED friends and start hanging out more often (this means the friends who love the season of singlehood they are in; not  the ones counting down the minutes, seconds, and milliseconds until they are in courtship), and enjoy this time to myself to work on anything I want. I am going to try to blog on a regular basis.......