Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Quarterlife to Me!

It’s my Birthday!!!!!!! I am so excited and sooo blessed! I thank You Lord for allowing me to see another day and another year. I also thank all my friends and family who continued to keep me in my prayers; and those who prayed for me when I didn’t even know they were doing so. I feel so humble and so grateful that God has allowed me of all people to see another day; another year. I am forever grateful and in awe of His mercies and grace. I thank God for allowing me to se 25 years, and if it be His will 75 more! Lol. I close chapters and leave the past in the past. I move forward; there’s no looking back. I played Damita Haddon’s song “No Looking Back” this morning on my way to work. It really speaks to me. The song goes like this: “I am leaving this place now; letting go of all my fears, saying good-bye to the memory I hold dear. I can finally breathe again; it’s a new day fair well past, as I close this chapter I set free at last- I made up my mind, there’s no turning back. The past is behind me, there’s no looking back. I’m looking forward not behind; I’ve made a decision, I give you my life. - Every step I take is new. I found courage to go on; though it’s rough sometime I still have to be strong. I may have to walk alone, but the One who lives inside me is always there to comfort and to guide…..” I love this song! Lol. I am truly blessed!