Monday, November 16, 2009

Just Do What He Says and Don’t Go Beyond That

From Joyce Meyer’s Daily Devotional:

We're in a Hurry, but God's Not

November 16
To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven.— Ecclesiastes 3:1 We never learn patience without something to be patient about. Patience is something that has to be worked in us — it doesn't just appear. The fruit of patience is in our spirits, because as children of God, the Holy Spirit is resident within us. But for patience to be expressed through our souls (our mind, will, and emotions), a work must be done in us. Once the prescribed time of waiting for the birth of each of my children had passed, I tried everything imaginable to bring on labor. I walked, took castor oil, worked harder than usual, hoping it would help "speed things up." With one of them, I even went into the hospital so the doctor would induce labor. It didn't work; I was sent home. The doctor basically said, "Go home and let nature take its course."
My advice to you from the Word of God and from my experience in life is, "Don't be in such a big hurry." You may be full of dreams for your life, but you may also be trying to achieve your dreams out of season. We can make huge messes in our lives, and sometimes get upset with God because things didn't work out the way we thought the Lord said they would. Things will happen as God said if we wait on His timing. We are the ones in a hurry. God is not in a hurry! Stay busy delighting yourself in the Lord, and let Him give you what He wants you to have. If God has placed the desire in you, you can be assured that He will bring it to birth in the right season. Wait on God for direction and instruction on how to proceed, do what He tells you or shows you, but don't go beyond that.

Wow. I actually have nothing to say. I went to Joyce Meyer’s Daily Devotional page and was hit with this revelation. I can’t add to it or break it down any further. Wait on God, everything in its season, etc. She is an awesome vessel of God. Be blessed.