Why, only just yesterday I was lamenting the lack of hugs in my life when today I saw this. All my dreams coming true? Possibly. Seriously though, if you see me in the near future - gimme a hug. Or a Hot Hugs Monkey. Only these two options are acceptable.
Also, I want this week to be over. I have been looking forward to my birthday party for like, a year, and now it's rolling around and all I feel is anxious. Things that need to be done in 3 days that have not been done include:
- finalising the delivery and setting up of the marquis.
- ditto the projector.
- seeing if my slideshow will even work on said projector.
- the buying of aesthetically appealing lollies.
- figuring out a way to play music (should I drop a couple hundred on a iPod dock/speakers, or simply use the stereo we have whose sound is apparently 'not great' when it is loud)
- cleaning and disposing of 90% of things in the backyard
- decorating the backyard
- buying decorations for the yard. Including: fairylights, possibly lanterns, pretty tablecloths, flowers, vases, candle holders etc. At the moment, I have one of these things.
- borrow cake stands off people. Organise cakes.
- make playlists for the night
Amongst so much more. My head is going to explode. I want a party planner. I want unlimited resources. Epic sigh. And to top it all off, I lost my Ray Ban sunnies on Saturday after watching New Moon (for the third time). That was after lending somebody else some of my other sunglasses. Karma is a fail. Now I have to replace my wayfarers before I purchase the clubmasters that I really wanted.
sigh sigh sigh.