Sunday, November 15, 2009

My Very Own Doppelganger!

What is a doppelganger you ask? A doppelganger is a double or a look alike. That brings me to today. Today I saw a young lady dressed very similar to me. That happens right? Yeah, but it has come to the point when the situation is funny but not quite. The young lady wears her hair short like I do and I find that we have too much in common to the point where I don’t want to hang out with her because it wouldn’t be interesting. No offense. I like people who are unique; weird even. When you remind me of myself and it’s not a coincidence; we have a serious, serious problem. I won’t say where I see her, since I don’t want to hurt someone or make them uncomfortable but I don’t like when people can’t be themselves. If you keep following people and trends all your life you are letting other people and situations dictate yourself. I will say this quote again: “BE YOURSELF, EVERYONE ELSE IS TAKEN.” SMH. Be blessed.