Thursday, November 11, 2010

more posts maybe?

OH HEY. I am alive. I think maybe I should start posting more? It's so weird, I thought I would be updating this a hella lot after I finished my thesis, but I guess procrastination was a big part of why I even started this blog. It's certainly not like I'm not wanting anything at the moment. I want lots of things.

I want another holiday (the mini vaycay I just had was great, thank you very much, but a taste of relaxation bliss is simply not enough. Though my mani/pedi is still looking delightful. And my skin, post-facial - pretty damn glowy and fine). This time for longer and maybe with another person? A trip alone is AWESOME and perfect for relaxing but sometimes you have moments that would just be better if you shared them with someone.

I want an expensive bag. I'm still trying to reward myself for my thesis. Like, I bought the DVF wedges before I had my results, now I feel like I deserve more. Don't you think? Also: long-strap shoulder bag or big slouchy tote?

I want more money. I guess it's lucky I got more shifts at work next week then.

I want more stuff to do! My life is oddly aimless right now and after focusing allll my energy into one project this year (...thesis, remember?) my current state of being feels very odd.

I wanna date someone! Yo bitchez, hook me up.

I STILL want the Coral and Fuschia lipsticks from the new Innoxa Summer Collection. I have yet to find them in ANY Priceline ANYWHERE. All two that I've checked! Help!

Also, to come: a post full of Jakey G. I promised you a while ago, and don't worry Jake Gyllenhaal goodness is on it's way. I tells ya, it's been a strenuous, arduous task trying to cull down the best interviews, pics, etc. But I'm on it. I'm on it like Jennifer Aniston's on it, updating her Brad Pitt shrine and stuffed animal collection every day. I. Am. On. It.

I was going to caption this pic as 'a taste of what's to come...' but to be honest, it doesn't get any better than this. Ever.