Endah N Rhesa 2nd Album launching at Demajors Independent Music Industry (DIMI) office, rundown acara mulai dari potong tumpeng, press conference, interview, small gig, signing session, sampe becanda ga jelas..
Welcome to DIMI office for Endah N Rhesa's 2nd album launching
all CD in display are DIMI's artist..

Sort of the guess and the media press

Broken tumpeng, jangan liat model nya..tapi rasanya..

Prepare for the small gig, this is Rongky the merchandise man (with cap), and Jangfang the road manager..
fotonya so sweet deh kaya pasangan jompo..

Interview with VJ. Adit, MTV Indonesia

The one and only..Kiki Aulia A.K.A Ucup, limited edition man..LOL..


The performance..

Signing session, always be the part of album launching event

These is what you've got in your goody bag, invitation only!
you've got ENR 2nd new album, sticker, note/sketch book, and a mug.

Randy begenk alias Yangoppa -_-", Rendi Kopay (Endah N Rhesa Manager), JAngfang, And Ariev the sound man..

Me and the boys..


Asra (you should check his world class band concert photos portfolio and be jealous), Rendi, and VJ. Adit

Mamang's style

The media, press, and the Guess..

All brought to you..
find Endah N Rhesa's CD's at your nearest CD store, for CD's and other merchandise such as t-shirt, sketch book etc order to: 085715122674 or merch@endahnrhesa.com
visit www.endahnrhesa.com
follow www.twitter.com/endahnresa