Thursday, January 13, 2011

2011 Plans

So....I have been thinking about 2011 and what it means for me: Another year to get closer to who I am called to be. So these are the things I am looking forward to:

Designing: So....where do I start? I am planning to enter the Operation Bridal Dress this year for real (lol). The deadline is like next week, so I have to start asap. I am looking forward to purchasing 2 dress forms (1 size 6 or 8, the other size 16). I was blessed with a sewing machine by my founder of my church. I will be practicing with patterns, fabrics, etc. learning how to sew and design old school. By September, I should be ready for the Parsons Fashion Design Certificate Program.

Dance: I can't wait to start dancing again; I miss the freedom and discipline of it. I have events at church that I will have to start working on and now that we have 3 dance groups in the ministry I will have my hands full (but I won't complain; I'm actually looking forward to it). I am looking into Modern Dance, and Jazz now. I will always go back to Ballet but I want to broaden my abilities.

Wedding Planning: I guess this will end up being a part-time job soon, lol. I am in the process of planning my cousins wedding and pretty soon a sister from my church as well. I have the Love Dinner that is coming up in February and I will be in charge of the design and set up. We will be able to have more freedom and funds now that everyone is looking forward to it this year.

Decorating: I was planning on moving out but after some praying I realize I should stay in my current apartment (which is huge) and redecorate. As soon as I told my sister she got excited and nearly passed out. I am looking around for some cool pieces to make the apartment more like us.

Relationships/Friendships: Big problem in this area. I don't trust women enough to want to be around them. I have a couple of girlfriends that I trust and would do anything for but that's it. I have made a new guy friend who loves museums and whatnot so we have been running around everywhere late last year and early this year together but I'm still waiting for God to introduce more God-fearing and trust worthy friends into my circle. Relationship wise: I leave that COMPLETELY in God's hands. Lol.

Volunteer Work: I had the wonderful opportunity to participate in Boxes of Love last year. This year I would love to do more volunteer and community work. My dream goal is to be able to travel and do something amazing like Habitat for Humanity.

Hair: I want to understand my hair and not get frustrated and keep it short. I also would love to see my natural hair colour, so I will try (try being the key word) to not colour my hair as well. I don't consider myself a "natural" or on a discovery. I am just the same ole my (minus my gamine cut).

Health: I want to stay on top of eating healthy. I also want to stay fit (Love my hourglass; so I don't want to lose any weight).

Last but not least Spiritual Walk: Sigh.... where do I begin? I want to grow and have a better understanding of the word. I want to be an example to the younger girls that for some reason always find themselves attached to me. Most importantly I want to love unconditionally; that's a hard thing I'm learning. Loving people has been a hard thing for me; the more I am exposed to human nature the more I want to stay to myself....but apparently that's not God's will for me -_-

So, if it's God's will that I see the end of the year I can't wait to check off everything on this list (even the hair stuff, lol). Be blessed, and have an amazing and powerful New Year!