Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Standing Firm

I have been torn over the past couple of days trying to figure out what I would write about. I kept coming up with the same topic: consistency. I have learned that consistency= dependable. If I can't count on you being at A, B, or C at the time you say that I can't depend or trust you. The Lord has been dealing with me about this particular topic as I have been on my Daniel's Fast this month. Consistency starts with your mind. If you can't be consistent in your thought; than you will be all over the place in everything you actually do. James 1:8 states "....Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do." (NIV). If you want to be used of God and grow into a deeper relationship; you have to start with your mind. Make sure your actions mirror your words and thoughts. We are supposed to ask God to renew our mind daily and think on those things that will please Him. Once you do that, it will be easier to do it. But if you're back and forth, God can't bless you or use you. You have to make sure your "no" is "no" and your "yes" is "yes". Perfect example: you're either a vegan or not. Being a vegan requires maintaining a strict regimen. So you're a vegan or not. It also applies to being a child of God. You are or your not. It doesn't work if you're a Christian Sundays but Monday-Saturday you're somebody else. Either your for God or not. Pick a side and stick to it.

My prayer during my fast has been a simple one (I'm not a fan of elaborate meaningless prayers): "Lord, I love You; and I really want to please You. I ask God that You strengthen me and work in me. Renew my mind and create a clean heart in me; a heart that desires You and seeks to please You. I ask God, that You reveal to me the areas that I need to stand firm in You. I ask God that I be consistent; that I stand for You always unashamed. I want to please You and make You happy. I ask that You have total and complete control in my life and that I will not interrupt. I ask all these things in Jesus name I pray. Amen."

I hope that this helps someone like it is helping me. Be blessed.