Monday, April 26, 2010

It's Been Too Long...

Where do I start? Well, I can start at apologizing for not posting these past 2 weeks. My job blocked blogger so I will be posting via cell phone again for a while. So that being said, let me update you:

My hair: I dyed it an espresso brown colour and I like it so far. My beautician is talking about highlights but I keep avoiding the subject.

Work: Same thing, different day. I am grateful that I have a job and God has continued to make a way for me.

-Dance: I'm so busy looking into programs for dance and listening to songs and praying to find out what direction the Lord wants me to move with this Ministry. I'm not going to lie, I'm nervous; I want to touch people and move them when we minister in dance not just do some pretty movements to music. I don't know, maybe its just me. I feel like I'm in a stage where God is showing me where I am and where I need to be to do great works in His name; and I am seriously coming up short.

School: I am interested in attending Parsons for a Certificate in Fashion Design and then go to F.I.T. for Merchandising. I love fashion, and love to design. I feel its time to work on my craft.

Relationships: Still the same. I managed to keep up with my guidelines I told you about earlier. So you can imagine how rarely my phone rings or when I receive text messages. I know its not in vain so I won't stress it. It's for a purpose....also update about waiting: I will be honest about that; It sucks! It boils down to this I rather be waiting and miserable than in a relationship that I have no business in and have to deal with the consequences.

Other things: Right now I'm getting (slowly) use to the idea of it being all girls in the house (my mother, sister and I). The reason why: I do all the dirty work (killing bugs, throwing out the trash, draining the sink, etc). I don't like it one bit, lol. Saturday night we had our College Fund Concert and Singspiration. I can truly say it was a blessing as well as a success. We had a packed house and the children sang their hearts out. I have also made a resolution to start dressing my age. I have realized that my closet resembles the closets of middle age mothers. I am no where near middle age and I have no children so that's not a good look. I have filled out into a size 6 ( I love the hourglass pin-up look) and I have been hiding my curves. But no more! I will embrace my curves, love my figure and dress like a 25 year old woman.

....That's just a little update, be bless.