Friday, April 23, 2010


So I am a very bad blogger. Blame uni, blame honours, blame writing an epic honours ethics application. Not to mention work, and nothing happening in my life to worth blogging about. Not that that has stopped me in the past!

Anyway. I digress. Sorry. I know people actually read this and like to see pretty pictures so again, sorry, regular updates will resume soon (especially now that ethics application has been submitted). And when I get my high-speed internetz back, I too, will be back with a vengeance. You see I exceeded my download limit way back on April 12th - THE 12TH!!!. Thanks to a renewed Survior obsession, my interwebz pretty much died.

So now I come to you from Canada Bay Library. Ah yes, I have been forced down to my local to use an internet connection that does not take 12 hours to load a page. Indeed MY internet connection took almost 24 hours to load the latest episode of Survivor on youtube. I almost felt bad for making it struggle...but my want/DESPERATE NEED for Survivor outweighs all else.

Ergo, to get any work done, I am at a public library. This is how dedicated I am to uni work and blogging. Thank me later.

Okay, over and out. My connection is about to time out. Just letting y'all know I'm not dead (only a little bit inside) and will be back with pretty fashiony obsessions soon. Think Tom Binns xx