Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy New Year!!!!!

I know, I know. I absolutely suck! I have been so busy the past couple of months with prepping for our Christmas program, Bible School, etc. etc. etc. Lol. I am so excited for this year; I mean really excited. My best friends (Stace and Lizzy) are engaged! (Stace and Mike git enagaged Jan. 7, 2010 and Lizzy and Robert Thanksgiving). This translates to more bridesmaids dresses I will attend and more wedding showers, blah, blah, blah, blah. Lol. This year is new; the decade is new; it’s a chance for a clean slate for so many people. I can say my life will never be the same. I have a new blog up on This is for my fashion musings since this blog has become for more of my God based musings, lol. Not that there is anything at all wrong with that! I will continually blog here; but if you want to read my random blogging on hotties, fashion, Jane Austen (lol) etc, you know where to go now. But seriously, I pray that you this year will be a year that we all move to higher heights and deeper depths in Christ. May everyone be blessed.