Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mad to Love: Scars

"The blackened ink sits beneath my skin, ingrained and unmoving, permanent for the rest of my life.

Each marking gleams to me, reminding me of the times in which I felt they were needed and craved upon.

I wear most with shame now, each independent brand standing in tainted tribute to love’s lost and callings claimed.

I look upon them with a sorrowful, watering eye as they remind me of my brutal fights and wearing battles, times of beating myself alone in a cold darkness and begging for peace.

Even with my righted life now blazenly and poetically pointed toward the good and holy times I’ve been absent in, the visible scars of my past shine with unrelenting focus, evidence of where I’ve been but not where I’m going, of who I was but not of who I’ve become, of my dastardly failures but not of my coming victories.

Scarred yet now willfully barren and internally clean, I have relented my days to You, praying for Your ever-lasting peace to wash me new.

No longer the holder of a desperate need to add and hide my battle wounds in plain sight, I proudly and humbly display my inked and bleeding scars for You, announcing the greatness and mercy one may posses when they turn their meaningful scars of yesteryear to You."
You will probably see more of Cory Copeland's writings on my blog because his brutal honesty and deep love for Christ has been an encouragement to me. I hope it will be an encouragement to you as well. Be blessed.