Monday, September 19, 2011

Clear eyes, full hearts, CAN'T LOSE!

So, despite the medium-ness of last night's Emmys I actually have a lot tocover. Mainly of the gushing about 'Friday Night Lights' variety because it iseffing amazing and finally got SOME of the recognition it deserved. More onthis later. But first, the dresses and funny bits.

There are two types of red-carpet dresses I absolutely loooathe (think:Madonna v. hydrangeas) and they are nude-tonal shimmery blah messes andred dresses the colour of the red carpet. I mean, Jesus, WHY do you want tobleed into the floor? It's outdated, it hardly ever looks modern, it's slightlytacky and it's been done. And last night it got done a lot. Too toomuch. I was so disappointed/bored I wanted to stab my own eyes out (lucky Ididn't though because then I would've missed all the FNL love!!!). Anyway, takea gander at the amount of RED:

Would you look how fucking hard Lea Michelle is posing? Girl needs to relaxbefore she pops something. (Have you seen the video of Sarah Hyland from'Modern Family' impersonating her? It's amazing: other girl above is Nina Dobrev. She is included in this blog because Alanaasked me to include her and talk about how amazing she is. I actually can'tphysically bring myself to do so but because I like Alana I also won't rantabout how Try this outfit is, how Old it makes her look, how Tight it is thatit stops her being able to move and how it is literally the same colour as thecarpet. Also...fishtail gown. I WILL say however that I think she is gorgeousand I want her and Ian Somerhalder to have babies. Anyhoo, more RED:

Kate Winslet obviously gets away with this because she is Kate bloodyWinslet. It is a flattering cut, she is stunning, her exuberance as she won herEmmy - all of it worked for her. Fine. Let the red be. Kate can do whatever shewants. ALSO she is now a mere Tony away from completing the full EGOT! Onlyfive other actors have achieved this and I seriously think it is within therealm of possibility that Kate will win a Tony in her lifetime. And I will beecstatic for her. Because she is great. Sofia Vergara is also fantabulous andwhile she is technically wearing coral, she fits into the family. But she isSofia Vergara so I don't care what she wears she is PHENOMENAL. She took atotally average dress to amazing. That is rare. 

There is one more red lady to come, but she goes in another category. Staytuned.

Average - Good
I don't HATE any of these. But I don't love them either.

I know Katie Holmes' dress is pretty blah. I appreciate that she didn't tryand out-do everybody by wearing a crazy couture gown though - she knew thisnight wasn't about her. Would you look at the close-up her face though?! Crazygorgeous right? Her skin is glowingggg. Her makeup is perfection. The messy bunis a little too messy for me but eh, can't win em all. My beloved Kristen WiigI think looks rather fetching in Zac Posen, but I'm still unsure about browngowns. I dunno. I'm not sure whether that should be done or not. Leaningtowards not. Now Amy Poehler! I think Amy looks GREAT. I think she's had ababy, I think she's a normal person and I think that's a fab dress. So. Yes.Mega points to her also for orchestrating the other best bit of the Emmys (allother best bits obviously all FNL related):

Pictures speak louder than words...

Gwyneth's dress leads us to believe she apparently has an unfortunate gutnone of us knew about; Heidi once again wears scary makeup, slicked back hair withdark roots, and has something living growing out of her dress; Zooey Deschanelis showing us how kooky she is with this fug-tastic creation. I'm ashamed ofher.

I know one is red, but I don't care. At least it's not the same colour ofthe carpet.

Martha Plimpton is still totally rocking. Would you look at that amazingbody? I love the cut of the dress, I don't MIND the colour, and I love her. Andthat movie '200 Cigarettes' - has anybody else on the planet seen this? And oh,la, Evan Rachel Wood I have looong admired you and you are so becoming thebeautiful lady I thought you would (despite a little stray into Marilyn Mansonterritory). Such a standout in a sea of 'meh'. Love.

Honourable Mentions
It wasn't necessarily these people's outfits that blew my socks off...

LOOK AT THAT. THE ONLY FUCKING PHOTO I COULD FIND OF TIMOTHY OLYPHANT.Granted, I conducted my search mere hours after the broadcast, but whatever. HE WAS NOMINATED. There should be more, everywhere, all the time, of this hot babe. Look what helooks like:

Rawr. Anyway, Christina Hendricks was babin', Jon Hamm always looks amazing(but Jennifer Westfeldt REALLY needs to ease up on the facial stuff - she sortof freaks me out), Peter Dinklage is the best. The end. But not of the blog -keep reading!

 Last night, 'Friday Night Lights' FIIIINALLY got some of therecognition it deserved. One of the greatest shows in ever won 2 of the 4awards it was nominated for last night and I swear, you could feel the love inthe room. Jon Hamm even loves it. He has a boy crush on Kyle Chandler. Speakingof Kyle - he truly is The Man. As Coach Eric Taylor, he is the perfecthusband/coach/dad/man that I would want in my life. Oh my God. Seeing him winlast night was incredible. My heart swelled up inside my chest and stomach feltlike it was in my ass. But in a good way. I was excited. 

When his name was announced duringthe reading of the nominees, you could hear the crowd couldn't you? There werea lot of FNL fans in that audience. I also thought it was so perfectthat Minka Kelly got to present his award to him - they're family down there inDillon so I personally felt the moment was especially sweet. It's clear howthey all idolise him. All the Panthers were madly tweeting after he won, so soexcited for their Coach. It was beautiful. And in case you didn't see it (whydidn't you see it?!) here's the video:

As you can see, at the end, Coachtries to run back to the mic to thanks Mrs. Coach who he forgot in his speech.I'm not sure how, because, duh, but he did. My heart ached for her because thatwas her moment too. She did not win her own category (fucking Juliana Marguilesare you kidding me? Two years in a row?? This was not her time. She will haveother times. This was it for Connie Britton and FNL) and it reminded me of lastyear's Oscars. Michelle Williams was nominated as Best Actress for 'Blue Valentine'and Ryan Gosling was not nominated for Best Actor. If you've seen the admittedly amazing film, you knowshe didn't pull that performance out on her own. It was very much apartnership. Similarly, Coach and Mrs. Coach Taylor made the showthrough their representation of their relationship - a lot of it was improvisedand you can tell because it feels so real. (Duana over at LaineyGossiparticulates her feelings on this also and I heartily agree - I had pangs

Anyway. Life is not perfect. Us FNLfans will take what we can get. CLEAR EYES, FULL HEARTS, CAN'T LOSE!!!!!! Ifyou haven't yet - Watch. This. Show. Below are pics of Connie Britton, MinkaKelly, Aimee Teegarden and Kyle Motherfucking Chandler:

BUT WHERE THE HELL WASRIGGINS???????????? Do you know how badly I wanted to see THIS in a suit:

Alas...perhapsnext year.