Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What I'm Learning About My Hair....

I have been natural since November and did my final cut removing all my relaxed hair; I'm learning some new things about my hair:

1. I Can't Define My Hair Texture......Yet: I actually don't care if my hair is 3c or 4a/b or whatever...My hair as it is growing out now is unruly. It's a combination of coils and curls. I will have to wait until it actually starts to grow out before I "define" it. Lol.

2. I Have To Use Natural Hand Lotions: I have eczema and it effects my scalp as well (one of the reasons I decided to go natural) and I have this problem keeping my hand out of my hair. Smh, it's bad, really bad. Every 5 minutes you will find me playing with a coil or massaging my scalp. So, I switched to Shea Butter hand cream because it doesn't have a fragrance that will irritate my scalp.

3. I Have No Hair Goals: I have seen/read tons of blogs by girls who are hung up on length. I have worn a pixie/gamine haircut since I was 13 (with the occasional grow out/weave), so I never had any kind of attachment and/or obsession with length. I do want healthy hair though; that's all I want. Whatever length it gets to is up to God and I receive the blessing. I do know that I used to fuss with my hair stylist because every six weeks I had to have my hair cut back into the style because it kept growing out, lol.

4. If I Don't Care, They Don't Care:  Anyone who knows me can tell you that I'm always changing my hair. I always keep my hair healthy, and do whatever up keep is needed to maintain my style. So since I have went natural, I have received comments about it but since I rock it like this was made just for me I get nothing but compliments. I have never been a person to have patience with transitioning. I just BC'd (Big Chopped) and moved on. I also like to be daring and walking around with a really short cut really tests how you really feel about yourself. With my haircut, there's nothing in front of you but my face; no cute cut, colour, style, length. It's just me.

5. Natural Products Work Best: I guess it would make sense since chemicals have been destroying my skin since a child (I use detergents with no fragrance, and most perfumes I stay away from because they actually blister my skin!!). I laugh now because I'm slowly turning into those people who are one product away from being a tree hugger).

6. Moisture, Moisture, Moisture!: My hair gets dry so incredibly fast! I have to apply oil to it before I sleep and a rich hair dress to it before I leave the house. I pay close attention to the way hair responds to the hair products. Trial and error works best for me these days.

7. Like Minded Inspiration: Whenever I like something, I always look up the image(s) and save them to look back on later. It helps me keep focused. I also like looking and reading  natural hair blogs but I don't follow everyone of them, just the ones that I feel like we're on the same page. Lol. You know what I mean.....

Well, I will try to keep documenting this interesting journey. I'm learning more about myself and embracing the way God made me. Be blessed.