The festival fosters cross-cultural cooperation to allow wider opportunity especially for the younger generation to enjoy world-quality entertainment. The event itself was held at Carnaval Beach, Ancol South Jakarta so..what you waiting for? this gonna rock your socks out
so these is my 'souvenirs' for you..enjoy..

So this is only a sort of all stages At Java Rocking land, i believed that JRL has making this planet shaking with having all those rock musicians =) this is the main stage, the minors and others additional stages, anything you wished honey..ahead!

Demajors stand, Jangfang and mop..

The view around Demajors Propaganda stage, the sea itself..

Galaxy7 pack from Japan

Endah N Rhesa on stage

Soundman on mixer, recognize him? yes..he's ugly duck..

Zeke Khaseli performance on Demajors Propaganda stage, the awkward silver alien on the right is..yes that was Ralmond..ahahahha..

Keripik peudeus

For the next 2 days schedule

Amazing In Bed, sorry to say..but i prefer their former singer..

This is Amazing In Bed former singer, Lani Leyli..she's attractive, for me =D

Change your money to coupon, n grab the food!

Naahh..i'm just trying to be cool..=D

I prefer this.. ;D LOL!

This is our dinner at the lounge..Balinese food, I like Balinese food..but not this one..scumbag! i prefer the menus at Java Jazz festival

The Smashing Pumpkins in action, karena pas menjelang sore hujan lebat, jadi venue becek dan tanah nya jadi lembek, licin, kotor, jadi ada beberapa spot yang bolong dan gak diisi audience, not expected this!
no encore from them, crazy eh? little bit dissapointed but..yeah, whatever was good!
i watched them from afar, (cursed the venue), so..not really good quality pictures..=(

I gave Mr. Lightman +100. i like his job..he made the mirrors windmill looks great..

Dirt and wet grass..