I mean, I barely have any room in my closet as most of it is crammed with beauty products but STILL. In my everyday makeup case which is always in my handbag I have:
- 9 x lipsticks (4 of which are in the coral family)
- 2 x lip treatments (Kiehls and Kit - see, it is very important to take care of the lips when one wears lipstick all the time. You absolutely must have soft, healthy lookin' lips to carry off such a look)
- 1 x lip brush (some lipsticks just look better when applied with a brush)
- 1 x matte lipgloss (trust me on this - it is from the Poppy King Lipstick Queen collection and it feels creamy and nice like lipgloss but is not glossy and icky)
- 1 x lipgloss (this is shocking for me as only a couple of years ago I would tote at least 8 with me everywhere and never once contemplated wearing lipstick. How times change)
- 1 x lip pencil
- 1 concealer for emergencies (generally don't need it as my foundation stays on all day - hello Napoleon China Doll)
- 2 x roll-on perfumes
- 1 x Marc Jacobs compact mirror which Jessie sent me from New York
- 1 x packet of blotting paper
- 1 x NP Set coral cream blush
- 1 x pack of blotting tissues (vital for Summer to blot away any shine)
So that's just what I have in my handbag. You can imagine what I have in my bedroom. Nevertheless, I MUST HAVE THESE THINGS:
Innoxa Matte Orange lipstick (in the middle). I know you're all like "Whaaaat? Didn't you just say you carry 9 lipsticks around with you on a daily basis? Are you high gurl?" To which I say "I WISH!" Seriously though, this lippy is like, perfect. Zoe Foster said so. And it's a shade of orange I do not yet have. Lalala I love this new colour palette I'm working with. Oh and also, it's $14.95 from Priceline. Winnerrrr!
I have this illuminator by Benefit...
But I really want this one now. Moon Beam is great and all but it's very subtle and looks better when mixed with foundation for an all-over dewy glow. High Beam on the other hand works more as an illuminator and is more visible. Maybe you haven't picked up on this, but I'm not exactly a subtle person. I WANT A DRAMATIC GLOW THX.
Nars highlighter in Orgasm (aka Nars' signature shade - I still need the blush version of this too...hmm). Also, must note that I have since received my Nars Love Devotion lipstick - IT IS DIVINE. Actually the best lipstick on the planet. The very best. On my trip to New York next year I will absolutely be dropping in on the VERY FIRST Nars flagship store which is due to open in a few months and stocking up on this (it is $58 in Australia pfft).
Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick. You can probably sense a theme here. I am now all about highlighting! I like the idea of this one to use over my foundation because sometimes using liquid illuminator (like Moon Beam) over liquid foundation like mine which goes matte can get a bit streaky. And Shimmer Bricks are like the quintessential BB product.
Body Shop cheek and lip stain. I have had a bottle of this for a hundred years (feels like) and it is now running dangerously low as I've recently rediscovered it. It is pretty great. Also, I know how to apply it properly now so it doesn't dry quickly and splotchy. I'll show you sometime. Seriously, makes you look flushed like you just came in from the cold.
Was thinking about maybe getting the Benefit 'original' cheek and lip stain but I have heard some pretty bad reviews online. Thoughts?
I DID want this Smashbox Paradise blush for a very long time, and now I finally have it. So if you too want peachy slightly shimmery cheeks to match your coral lips, this is your product. So gorgeous.
I also have this one but I think everybody else should get it also. It's part of the NP Set range (cheaper Napoleon range which is actually pretty spectacular) and I got it for free when I bought two other products. IT IS SUBLIME. It goes on like a dream, you only need a little bit and it is creamy and a gorgeous colour. Also goes nicely with coral lips and brown mascara. Swoon.
If you are looking for a fabulous bronzer that is easy to apply, not too expensive and actually quite subtle, try NP Set Liquid Veil in Buenos Aires. I have this and apply it just under the cheekbones. I also got this for free and every day I thank Napoleon Perdis for such great giveaways. Also, you only need a teensy bit so it should last foreverz.
Benefit Eye Bright pencil. While some idiots have recommended that you use white eyeliner on the insider of your eyeline to make you look more fresh and awake, this is a LIE. White is just too dramatic. Zoe Foster (my hero, obv) recommends this instead as it erases the hangover and redness of early mornings while blending in with your own skin colour. I start work at 7am most mornings and cannot sleep until after 12am. So I want this. Nay, need this.
Bobby Brown gel eyeliner. I am hellz into liquid eyeliners again (because I can apply them properly now) as my fave current 'look' is a simple lined upper eyeline which wings out, peachy cheeks and natural/coral lippy. It's pretty cute. And apparently this eyeliner is great as it does not smudge. Like, ever.
However, if it's cheaper I might consider getting the Smashbox gel eyeliner instead. My friend Maca tried this out once while we were shopping and I swear to god it didn't move all day. At all. And she looked like a sexy bitch. Truth bomb.
MAC Pigment in Copper Sparkle. Dying to get my hands on some of these tubs of highly pigmented eye shimmer. I have heard great things and apparently they never run out. Also, bronze and copper is so in right now, didn't you know? It's the new smoky eye. Trust.
MAC Pigment in Mauvement. However, regarding my above statements, the traditional smoky eye is kind of a classic so I might stick with it. This is why I want this pigment too. I know, I'm greedy.
Here's a better pic so you can see what it looks like. And I CAN'T BELIEVE I'm sharing this with you, but I am going to show you my favourite (easiest) trick to get the perfect smoky eye. No more hours of layering dark eyeshadows on top of each other, all you need is a black eyeliner pencil and a shimmery eye shadow like Mauvement: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhUmWSzddAg Amazing, right?
Duh must also have the right blush to apply everything.
And can you believe I don't even have a foundation brush? Must. Rectify.
What else should I get? Any recs for a good, lightweight (slightly sheer maybe) foundation? I fear Napoleon might be a bit heavy-duty for Summer.