Sunday, July 26, 2009

Opportunity Knocks

This morning I woke up to the email that an old friend of mine wants to finally give us a chance. Lol. It seems that this would be by chance right? No. I remember talking to my cousin before about decoys. They pop up when the right one is right around the corner. I remember that my spiritual mother told me the story about her and her husband. God revealed who he was one night at a all night Youth prayer meeting. It took them 9 years to get together! Do you know why? One word: Decoys. They let people talk in their heads and one got into a relationship with the wrong one and the other followed. It took time to fix and they were finally obedient to God. But it took 9 years to reach their promise. It reminds me of the story of the Children of Israel in the wilderness. What was supposed to be a temporary trip to the promise land turned into 40 years! How many of us are taking the scenic route to our promise? God wants to show us the easy way but all our complaining has made it longer and longer to get there.