Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Everything's Changing...

I have to say that Keane song has been stuck in my head since the first time I heard it those years back. I have to agree to an extent; everything is changing. My cousin and best friend are about to get married, my sister will be married next year along with my best friends; and in the midst of it all it feels like I’m staying the same. Even my cousin who had trouble with her relationship is getting some leeway. I am not saying that a relationship will change things; it is just the next obvious step in my ministry. I am at this point that I am at peace with being single. I actually feel attached to no one but the Lord; it took me over a year and a half to get here. I am finally in my spring season. I originally called my season of struggle and getting to where God needed me to be as my Winter Season. That’s when you need to be stripped down and things must die and rest so that you can prepare to give birth to new life and colors in the next one. It’s amazing how God speaks to you. I didn’t realize I was in that season until I was talking to my IT tech and he reset my password to winter. I laughed when I realized what it meant and what it meant to me. I had to update my information last week Friday and guessed what it was changed to? Spring. I actually feel the difference; the change of depending completely on God for a companionship and for a pouring into my spirit as well as a purging. Maybe someone is still in winter; maybe you didn’t even realize it yet. But I want to tell you that in this season God wants to warm you, purify you, and have you depend totally on Him so that when spring comes you will continue to. He is with you in the rough patches and definitely leading you through the good ones. Be blessed.