Dewds: Oh my dewds: What a day have had I.
Today was the suspect KCACTF workshop, and I must say I am SO glad I didn't bail (for fear of not being on their program: 12/15/07). Patrick and I drove up bright and early, and spent some hours strolling the seemingly desolate campus, pinning up fliers for In Bocca al Lupo. Scavenging push-pins was fun . . . especially when we were done, landed in the check-in area just in time to hear one of the student volunteers walk in a demand to know why she couldn't find any unused push-pins on any bulletin boards. I worried (I'm a worrier) that there would be no students, for we saw so few on our lengthy back-and-forth over the campus. So many attempts at promotion have ended in disappointment for the theatre in the past, I've learned to brace myself for the worst possible outcome.
I needn't have worried.
We had nearly 50 students for the class.
I thank God:
- They gave us a plenty-big room.
- Patrick was there.
- No one fell on his or her head.
We had them make a circle, shoulder-to-shoulder, and they essentially filled the 40x50 dance studio. To warm up, I had them count of one-two-one-two, and the twos step forward. Now we had two concentric circles, and we warmed up for about a half an hour. They were very responsive to my (cheesy, gratuitous) humor, and it wasn't too long before we were all warm in body and buzzing on the joy of being together and active. Great energy. And we did it all. In two hours, we learned the acrobalance poses of Angel(Superman) and Front Thigh Stand, worked on the dollar-bill exercise (teaching threes, separate and specific beats, listening) twice, and even covered some ground regarding building commedia characters from their appetites. And it ended with them almost unanimously hungry for more, which was great for In Bocca al Lupo. Hopefully students for that will come from this, but honestly, right now I'm just thrilled with how well it went.
That's about it, folks. I close the day, safely returned to my Brooklyn apartment now, gratefully exhausted from travel and real work. It was the kind of day to remember, when your work proved valuable and you feel useful and eager for more. There's a wonderful series of cartoons called "Rejected," by Don Hertzfeldt, that springs to my mind whenever I get in a situation that's potentially awkward or disappointing. It's a way of lightening my own mood and getting my mind off of worry. ("My SPOON is too BIG.") Some days, those same sheltering chants become victory shouts.