Via, via, vieni via di qui, niente pi
ti lega a questi luoghi, neanche questi fiori azzurri...
via, via, neanche questo tempo grigio
pieno di musiche e di uomini che ti son piacuti, (rit.)
It's wonderful, it's wonderful, it's wonderful
good luck my babe, it's wonderful, it's wonderful,
it's wonderful
I dream of you... chips, chips, du-du-du-du-du
Via, via, vieni via con me, entra in questo amore buio,
non perderti per niente al mondo...
via, via, non perderti per niente al mondo
lo spettacolo d'arte varia di uno innamorato di te...
(What? What? You don't read Italian? Poor baby!)
This way, this way, you come this way, nothing here
devout you alloy to these places, neanche these blue flowers...
this way, this way, neanche this time full
gray of musics and men who son appealed to you, (rit.)
It' s wonderful, it' s wonderful, it' s wonderful
good luck my babe, it' s wonderful, it' s wonderful,
it' s wonderful
dream of you... chips, chips, du-du-du-du-du
This way, this way, you come this waywith me, enters in this love buio,
not to lose for nothing the world to you...
this way, this way, not to lose for nothing to the world
the show to you of varied art of one in love of you...
Well. That should clear it up for you.
The trouble is, I'm quite certain someone already did a little show or two to this diddy. Shout out if you know for certain, folks. Meanwhile, I'll contact Paolo about reserving rights...WOW him with my Italian...
Ooops! Almost forgot. Here:
"Your day is past, plush toy. I'ma squish your head and use your synthetic stuffing material to buff my exterior shell to an even higher sheen!"