Monday, August 1, 2011
Don't Read Between the Lines....
I've been blessed with the opportunity to read a wonderful book entitled: Emotional Purity: An Affair of the Heart . It ties into the discussion I've been having with my last single girl friends lately. Though we may not be in romantic relationships (with the opposite sex), we still have a tendency to emotionally attach ourselves to
them. Point in case: I have a friend (male) who says the most random things, I mean the most random things to me; and if I wasn't someone guarding my heart and emotions I would do what I would have done in the past: read between the lines. Something so simple as a male friend telling me they like my perfume would have launched me into a spending spree to buy enough perfume to keep on hand, lol (so serious -_-). Let's be honest, I'm not the only one who has read between the lines. One sentence from a guy we like or think is cute launches us into hour-long conversations with our girl friends breaking down the sentence word-by-word. The end result is that we're more attached (emotionally) than we were before and now we're convinced that he must like us; I mean why would he say that if he didn't, right? Lol...and it spirals downward from there. The problem isn't girls over read everything only, but guys are not careful with their words. Words are very powerful; they can build us up, tear us down. So, a girl who has a crush on a guy will either continue to like him or not based on his words first. It boils down to this: Men (not boys) say what you mean to say, and girls guard your hearts.....please, guard your hearts.