Note possible spoilers…
After leaving off last season, or series if you live in the U.K., The Doctor is back and better than ever. The opening is funny and a bit cute which should be a warning because what comes next is anything but cute.
The real story begins with Amy, Rory, and River Song reuniting with The Doctor in Utah. With the ominous words that he’s been running way too long, the tone shifts and there is an immediate sense of dread. That sense however disappears rather quickly, luring you back in, something the show uses masterfully, before the shock comes.
Within the first ten minutes, your jaw will drop, I don’t want to ruin it, but it’s good. There is drama that unfolds afterwards before it all disappears in one hilarious moment. Again this is something the show does very well and uses it to its advantage.
Now its time to get to the real story, 1969 America, where our trio, and River Song, will have to solve a mystery. There’s a mysterious child stuck in a space suit and something called the silence, a continuation from series 5.
Part one, The Impossible Astronaut, begins with the shocking opener and concludes in much the same way. We also learn there is a dark day approaching, one that involves River Song and The Doctor. The Impossible Astronaut is the tip of the iceberg and the conclusion in Day of the Moon is as rewarding as it should be.
Day of the Moon begins strongly and doesn’t let up throughout the entire episode. We learn Amy didn’t kill the child in the space suit, thankfully, and that they know the silence exists. The silence, by the way, is forgotten once it is no longer visible.
The conclusion on how to fight the silence is clever and traditionally Who, because the episode isn’t really about the silence, it’s about the child. Because as much as the silence will be the antagonist this season, and I’m sure they will be back, seeing the ending of Day of the Moon creates more questions and more agonizing theories.
I rate the two parter as one episode, because neither can be watched without the over and it is a solid 9. The episode is dramatic, funny, scary, and loaded with the charm that all the fans of Doctor Who have come to love, myself included.
Written By: Ariel Schmiedhauser
Twitter: @SchmidHappens48