Spencer Wohlrab is creating buzz all over the net… maybe it’s because of his original & new yorker view of the world, or perhaps it’s because of his sort of indie vibe, either way, he has the ability of dazzling you in such a way you’ll find yourself staring at his pictures, trying to analize every single detail. Amazingly intimate, daring, and youthfully sensual… those are only a few words to describe Spencer’s photography… i’ll leave the rest to you… enjoy!
Spencer Wohlrab está creando revuelo en todo internet... Quizás sea por su original y newyorkina visión del mundo, o su estilo indie... sea uno u otro, definitivamente tiene una habilidad para hechizarnos, logrando que miremos y admiremos sus fotografías analizando cada detalle. Increíblemente íntimo, osado, juvenil y sensual, estas son solo algunas palabras para describir su arte... el resto se los dejo a ustedes... que lo disfruten!
PH vía spencerversustheworld.com