I don’t know where to begin or how to address a topic as huge as this. I lost someone very dear to me to this virus. But AIDS didn’t kill him, his decisions did. AIDS is a disease that supports my whole “Your decisions don’t just effect you” mentality. When you don’t think or heed to the Holy Spirit, you open yourself up to sooo much trouble. We are supposed to seek God first and He will direct our paths. Many people will tell you that bad things happen to them because they decided to do their own thing. But it’s not just you who will be affected: your family, love ones, strangers etc. will be effected by that one decision you made. But as Christians, we can make a difference. We can show those who are sick that there’s a Healer in the house; He came to heal your inflictions spiritually, emotionally and physically. So on this day, let’s raise awareness that no matter who you are or what disease you are suffering from; there’s a Savior, a Doctor, a Friend that sticks closer than a Brother, a Way Maker, a Father, a Lover of our soul who can will love them, heal them and provide for them. We are not too far that He can’t reach us. Be blessed.